Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Barbara Bradley Petura
  • Female
  • Pullman, WA
  • United States
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Barbara Bradley Petura's Friends

  • pauline anne hazell
  • jan hammond
  • Brownie MacKie
  • Siobhan Meehan
  • Mary Chrapliwy
  • Chris Bradley
  • GenealogyWise Memorial Page
  • Louise Bernero
  • Patrick Holland
  • Leeann Boone
  • jenni coe
  • Robert Wolford
  • Glenda Chandler
  • Bill Bradley
  • Tootie Dennis

Barbara Bradley Petura's Page

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Michael Kevin Bradley joined Barbara Bradley Petura's group

Bradley Genealogy

Welcome to all with Bradley ancestors. Post your Bradley family lineage or your Bradley queries here.
Dec 15, 2021
Paula Louise Spart joined Barbara Bradley Petura's group

Finding Family for Free

Many genealogy resources help you find your ancestors little or no cost. Join this group to share or gain ideas. My blog Relative Musings is filled with entries about such resources plus examples showing how they really work.
Oct 28, 2020
J Purkaple joined Barbara Bradley Petura's group

Conger Genealogy

Welcome to all with Conger ancestors. Post your Conger family lineage or your Conger queries here.
Jul 20, 2020
J Purkaple joined Barbara Bradley Petura's group

Bradley Genealogy

Welcome to all with Bradley ancestors. Post your Bradley family lineage or your Bradley queries here.
Jul 19, 2020
Emily Allyn Moore joined Barbara Bradley Petura's group

Finding Family for Free

Many genealogy resources help you find your ancestors little or no cost. Join this group to share or gain ideas. My blog Relative Musings is filled with entries about such resources plus examples showing how they really work.
Feb 7, 2020

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Becker, Boie, Booth, Bradley, Bruce, Church, Conger, Ebrey, Hachez, Leaming, Morey, Palmerton, Sharp, Simons, Speich, Stocker, Tonner
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
United States, Germany, Shropshire and Yorkshire in England, Scotland, Switzerland
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Online research, microfilm research, genealogy resources for Wisconsin [Milwaukee and New Holstein in particular], research and writing family histories
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?
If you're looking for genealogy tips and strategies that can help you find your ancestors for little or no cost, please visit my blog called Relative Musings. It is filled with many such ideas. The most recent post, for July 11, 2009, is on GenealogyWise for free networking on your surname, family location, Y or mtDNA haplogroup and much more. Or you can visit my Finding Family for Free Group here at GenealogyWise to share ideas and ask questions. Hope to see you there.

Comment Wall (15 comments)

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At 10:14am on May 11, 2011, pauline anne hazell gave Barbara Bradley Petura a gift
At 5:47pm on November 26, 2010, Siobhan Meehan said…
Hi Barbara, probably will be next, she could be anywhere, the E-Mail address was a ."" one so that led me to search the UK, Siobhan.
At 1:46pm on November 26, 2010, Siobhan Meehan said…
Hi Barbara, every corner i turn in tracing my aunt i hit a brick wall, live in Ireland, have searched all Ireland and now searching England, born in a home for unmarried mothers but no records of who took her from the home, found a message from someone looking for information about their mother-their description was exactly the description of my aunt but the E-Mail address left was incorrect, what ya recon, Siobhan from County Mayo in Ireland.
At 6:40pm on November 9, 2010, Brownie MacKie said…
Hi, Barbara! I thought I had left "friends" behind when I stopped lurking on Facebook. :-) But I'll happily be your friend. Having the U5b haplogroup is new to me, and I don't know how to interpret it yet. I know generally what it means, but its implications should be interesting, also.
At 9:03pm on June 25, 2010, EVELYN M ANSELMI said…
At 9:02am on October 21, 2009, Tootie Dennis said…
Barb, I would love to communicate with the desc. of Cephas' sister. Hook us up if you can. It would be my pleasure. I wonder which sister??
At 8:51am on October 21, 2009, Tootie Dennis said…
I am going to answer you via your e-mail. I am really quiet busy with so many websites....but the busy person is who gets things done, my mother always said. Tootie
At 3:21pm on August 25, 2009, Carol Robertson said…
All I know is that the Ebreys I am researching came from Shropshire. Haven't gone back past that.

At 10:04pm on July 17, 2009, Emily Doolin Aulicino said…
Oops...forgot to ask? Are you a proponent of Family Tree DNA or another testing group? If another, could we talk. I researched the three major companies and learned a LOT about each. I would dearly hate to see people go with a company that won't work best for them. I also have a post on my blog about this, but it is not the details that everyone should know. It is more on how to choose a company. That is, what questions to ask of them, etc. BUT, when asked, I will tell you what I discovered when I asked and what many, many others told me about the companies they used.
At 10:01pm on July 17, 2009, Emily Doolin Aulicino said…
Yes, delaying any testing isn't the best for several reasons. Do be sure to read the archives on my blog. There's a lot of good info there for the beginners, although you may not be one. I hope you are also a member of the Family Tree DNA group on GW and of the ISOGG group. If not, I strongly suggest those to to anyone interested in DNA testing, even just those who are curious.


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