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Barbara Walsh
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  • United States
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  • Catherine Cord Humphreys
  • Pam Nixon

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Barbara Walsh replied to Barbara Walsh's discussion Harringtons from southwest County Cork, Ireland in the group Harrington Family
"Gary Griffin - if you contact me at, I can send you the info I have on my Daniel Harrington/Catherine Walsh family.  You can then see if you can find direct descendants of Daniel. I can also give you some other…"
May 8, 2023
Gary Griffin replied to Barbara Walsh's discussion Harringtons from southwest County Cork, Ireland in the group Harrington Family
"Barbara, I believe that my Harrington line is from Kilkilleen. My ancestor is Daniel Harrington (1812-1884) married to Ellen Murphy (1815-1889). Both Daniel and Ellen died in Kilkilleen and their son Daniel was the witness for their death records.…"
Apr 17, 2023
Marcy Pravetz joined Barbara Walsh's group

County Cork, Ireland Ancestors

Group for those seeking information on ancestors from County Cork, Ireland
Feb 22, 2020

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Walsh, Minihane, Connolly, McCarthy, Collins, Harrington, O'Brien, Sheehan, Murphy, O'Regan, Leonard, Twomey, Bohane, Driscoll, Sullivan, Donovan
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

Comment Wall (8 comments)

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At 4:12pm on March 11, 2011, Barbara L Wentworth said…
Thanks for answering.....we're trying to our O'Briens..they came from (we think) Cork and settled in Wisconsin...there is some evidence that Martin and/or one of his brothers came to STL or KC....
At 2:04pm on March 10, 2011, Barbara L Wentworth said…


Would you by chance have a Martin O'Brien in your Family Tree....who might have lived/died here in St. Louis.....back probably in the '20's or early '30.....perhaps later


Barb Wentworth

At 4:08pm on December 27, 2009, Pam Walden said…
I don't have much info on my Irish ancestors. Florence O’Neill married Mary (last name unknown). They had a daughter, Margaret O’Neill, born 15 Aug 1824 in Baltimore, Ireland, County Cork. Margaret married Daniel O’Brien in Portland, Cumberland, Maine in 1849. They had 4 children who were born in Maine, Indiana and Kentucky before the family settled in Missouri. I descend from their daughter, Mary Ellen (Nellie) who married Thomas Foley.
At 1:40pm on July 23, 2009, Michele Walbridge Marx said…
Did any of your Driscoll's settle in Missouri?
At 10:20am on July 23, 2009, Michele Walbridge Marx said…
Where are your Driscoll's from. I have come to a dead end. Mine are from Missouri and came from the Ballydehob area. Just wondering if there might be a connection
At 9:01pm on July 16, 2009, Arlene Nordin said…
Barbara, I was wrong. I spelled Welsh, and should be Welch, like the grape. lol That still may be from Walsh, just different spelling.
I go back to Edmund Welch Sr, wife Ruth A. Annis, living in Wells, Main. Their son EdmundWelch Jr, b 1/31/1753, m Hannah Annis. I have records all the way to me.
There is much debate of who the father of Edmund Sr. is. Many theories are out there, but no proof.
At 12:33pm on July 16, 2009, Bob Goode said…
Welcome to the St. Louis Genealogical Society group. Add your surnames to the discussion thread: St. Louis Connections
At 9:58am on July 16, 2009, Barbara Walsh said…
My Ireland ancestors are from southwest County Cork, the Skibbereen and Baltimore areas. I have quite a bit of info on the Walshes and Minihanes from that area.


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