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Bonnie Berg
  • Female
  • Georgetown, TX
  • United States
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  • Lisa Barber

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Looking for Clarks from West Virginia

Started Oct 13, 2010 0 Replies

I am searching for the Clark descendants of Thomas H Clark and Sally Bostic, from Russell, VA from the mid-1800s to the early 1900s. I believe they both died in West Virginia, around Fort Gay. 

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Bell, Radabaugh, Smith, Jamison, Osburn
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Ireland, Scotland, England
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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At 8:15pm on December 8, 2012, Jim Avery said…

Hi Bonnie - thanks for your response about the Radabaughs. I forwarded it to my cousins. The story is that her grandfather b. 1896 and d. 1966 had a photograph of people in Indian costume and told someone one of them was his cousin. His mother was Laura Radabaugh and his father Jacob Shroy. They lived in Middletown and Steelton PA. Outside of Harrisburg. Thanks again.

At 8:12pm on December 6, 2012, Jim Avery said…

Hi Bonnie - Were your Radabaughs in Dauphin Co PA?  I am working on a story that Laura M Radabaugh might havfe been Native American. She was b. ca 1877 and had a sister Lola b. ca 1880, daughters of Samuel and Mary Radabaugh. Samuel was dead by the 1880 census.  Laura married Adam Shroy and they lived in Middletown Dauphin Co PA. The story is that Laura had some NAtive American blood in her. Any help on this would be appreciated.

At 4:10pm on November 2, 2011, Lisa Barber said…
No Bonnie I have nothing. I saw somewhere (I have lost the website) that said Richard had a brother. I am looking for that now as well. Our records have not been update since, well I should say the last time someone tried to update was 1959. I was not even in those records. While I was looking for my g-g-grandfather Israel Randel I found his wifes record back to 1525. How cool is that. I will keep up with you and let you now what I  found. Thanks.
At 3:51pm on October 31, 2011, Lisa Barber said…

Hello Bonnie, I just found this site while doing some research and found you have postings about Richard Bell. Richard is my g-g-g-g-grandfather. I have used some facts that I found on your site to fill in some missing info. My family line follows Nathaniel Bell while I see you are from the Martha's.

Lisa Barber St Joseph Missouri




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