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Carmel M Reynen
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  • Victoria
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  • Al Dawson
  • garryr
  • Janelle Bramble
  • Yvonne Henriksson
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  • Albertus Lang
  • Nancy Blair
  • Michael Boscarato
  • Kathleen Terry Billingsley
  • Sesen
  • John Clifford Shorten
  • Anita Payne
  • Geniaus

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Brick Walls we all have them

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Feb 23, 2024
Shawn Stoll commented on Carmel M Reynen's group Brick Walls we all have them
"Hi Everyone! My name is Shawn and I am currently working on a brick wall surrounding the paternity of my grandfather. While I was researching my family tree, I came across three (3) different first names for my great-grandfather (Franklin, William,…"
Dec 10, 2023
Shawn Stoll joined Carmel M Reynen's group

Brick Walls we all have them

who has pulled down a brick wall and how was this done/Who has hit a brick wall?See More
Dec 10, 2023
Mary Ellen Rohrer Dexter joined Carmel M Reynen's group

Brick Walls we all have them

who has pulled down a brick wall and how was this done/Who has hit a brick wall?See More
Oct 28, 2022
Paula Louise Spart joined Carmel M Reynen's group

Brick Walls we all have them

who has pulled down a brick wall and how was this done/Who has hit a brick wall?See More
Oct 28, 2020

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Barwise, Walkeden, Hackett, Woodhead, Murphy, Royle, Fox, Huddleston, Mossop, Towerson,Reijnen, Strijbosch, Toonen, Van de Griendt,
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Australia, New Zealand, England, Holland, Sweden, Denmark
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
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General research, Grave photography and data entry, resources

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At 6:30am on September 22, 2012, Gloria Binions said…

Hi Carmel, many thanks for reply. Should you have any Irish queries please feel free to ask, I may (or may not ! ) be able to help. What I will try to do is to trace C of E records for that town, or census records from circa 1945 to 1952 but no luck yet as I do not know how to do this, but hope springs eternal !. Thanks again and keep up the good work. Gloria.

At 12:13pm on September 21, 2012, Gloria Binions said…

Hallo Carmel, I have checked out your great compilation of names from Yallourn Graveyard, Victoria, but the name of my Father's cousin who died in that town in 1952 was not there, I presume he did not have a headstone but can you advise where else I could search for his grave,? the following are the details. RANDAL THOMAS HURLEY had emigrated from Co.Cork, Ireland just a few years previous to his death, he was born in 1918 in Kilmeen parish, Co.Cork and died in Yallourn in 1952 aged 34, he was Church of Ireland (Cof E ) I just discovered what part of Australia he went to a few days ago. Would it be probable that he could have worked in the electrical plant in the town??. I would be delighted to get any information at all about him. Many thanks, Greetings from Ireland. Gloria Binions.

At 10:28pm on May 16, 2011, garryr said…



My mother was a Kilmartin - her lot came from the south west; her father came from Colac.




At 5:34am on September 2, 2010, Albertus Lang said…
Hello Carmel,you said that you sent some inquests ?,were they for me if so did not receive them ,is it this quite or am i missing something ,hope you are well as me,Kind Regards Albertus.
At 4:28am on August 11, 2010, Albertus Lang said…
Hello Carmel,how do i send some names and details to the site like attachment ?,Cheers Albertus.
At 8:19pm on October 19, 2009, Geniaus said…
Carmel, My husband has some Woodhead cousins - you can see the line at however, the living ones are not visible on the site.
At 3:00am on October 13, 2009, Co Ordinator said…
Carmel you can contact me via
Re Ballarat

At 9:47pm on August 22, 2009, Brian Pearson said…
HI Carmel
Mallia family I am interested in came from Malta. One brother (Joe, married to Josephine) lives in Lake Heights (Wollongong). Joe has a brother living in Melbourne.
At 5:05am on July 25, 2009, Jo Jarman said…
Hi Carmel
My branch came from Deptford, Kent, Greater London - previously from Bermondsey, Surrey.
My great great grandfather John Henry moved his family to Portsmouth, Hampshire (then Portsea Island) between 1865 and 1870.
Any help?


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