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Christine Kay Olsen-Needham
  • Female
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • United States
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Christine Kay Olsen-Needham's Friends

  • Shirley  J. Vreeland
  • Kenneth Smith
  • J.R. Fox
  • Jeanne Winkler
  • Armando Framarini
  • Beverly Simpson
  • Robin R. Cordell-Inge
  • Bob Mooney-Pa
  • Lisa A. (Thamm) Spegal
  • william ronald ball
  • Beth Gatlin
  • Judith Abbott Lahr
  • Debra Creekmore Grossnickle
  • Gus Marsh
  • patsy adkins

Christine Kay Olsen-Needham's Page

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Bixby, Davidson, Traul, Walters, Coleman, Krider, Knisely, Hedden, Lundy, Edwards, Elliott, Smith, Smyth, Pancake/Pfannenkutchen, Genung
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Norway, Switzerland, England
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 2:52pm on April 5, 2014, Wilma J. Van Ness-Marion said…

Hi Christine,   My ancestor line is Pieter Pieterszen Van Neste b1625 m. Judith Rapalje.  Can you give me your sources & documents on Pieter 'Peter' descendants. 

Referring to Pieter 1600-1665 Amsterdam with marriage; Antonin b 1534-1619 Utrecht, Neth.; Antonin mother Ergeae C b 1505??    Do you have document copies that you could email me?  Were their records from in Netherllands, if so where? 

Been searching for Pieter P. Van Neste b 1625 Nes, Ameland, Netherland; signature in NY, do you know of a record?

Thank You, Wilma

Posting found on site:

Pieter's father was Pieter VanNest born 1600 in Nes, Ameland Island, Friesland, Nederlands and died 1665 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederlands. I don't know the name of his wife, but she was born in 1604 also in Nederlands and died 1690 In Amsterdam. They were married in 1624.
Pieter's father was Antonin VanNeste born 1534 but I don't know where and died 1619 in Utrecht, Utrecht, Nederlands. Pieter's mother is unnamed.
Antonin's father is unnamed, but his mother is Ergeae C born in 1505 but I don't know where.

At 11:31am on July 27, 2012, Lisa A. (Thamm) Spegal said…

Hello again, recently found out one of my hubby's lines is Needham. Take care, Lisa

At 2:21pm on May 20, 2011, JoAnn Learn said…

I would love to become a member as my family ties are Nicely and Burkholder

Country's of interest are Germany , Switzerland , England , USA .

I have been a family researcher over 10 years because I did not want it lost .

Thank You , JoAnn Learn

At 9:21am on November 20, 2010, Shirley J. Vreeland said…
Thanks for the info. It's different dates than I've worked with; however, after briefly studying what you found, I see you found Hunts up the line, great! I understand that back in thise times dates were not always on time or not at all, til bap. time and later. So, a birth date could swing sometimes 1-4yrs.......depending who and when recording ws done. Anyway, thanks for the names & dates. As I was reading them over, I realized that earliest yr. dates were at the bottom of the page. I have to remember that fact, for my grandfather write the people that same way....earliest at the bottom, working up the page .Running out of space. Bye
At 4:14am on February 22, 2010, Christine Kay Olsen-Needham said…
No, Mr. Fox, I am from Kansas. I've only been in Vegas for 10 years. I don't have any Fox/Vegas ties, but the branch of my family with Malinda Fox in it has ties to West Virginia (although all the Foxes I have so far are from Tennessee and Missouri). I don't know much about them, but would love to find the parents of Malinda Fox. If you come across any of yours born in Missouri or Tennessee, especially if they are named Malinda and born in 1812, then please do let me know!
At 9:09pm on February 21, 2010, J.R. Fox said…
Hey Christine.....Hope all is well with you and thank you for the add! I am rather new to this site and so far I love it! That being said, I find it interesting that you live in Vegas. I say that because I made a Fox connection from a lady who grew up in Vegas and had ties to West Virginia and our Fox Family. Are you originally from Vegas?
At 8:27am on December 20, 2009, Christine Kay Olsen-Needham said…
Cool! Do they have anything before John Earp born 1580 in Nottingham & died 1631 in Armaagh, Ireland? That is my earliest Earp.
At 8:14am on December 20, 2009, Co Ordinator said…
Hi There Christine
I am an avid fan of the FamilySearch site and just happen to take a look at
Andrew Jackson WALTERS born 28 Jan, 1828 married Eliza Jane HARP.
and found that the Harp family goes way way back to the Earp's
All I done was put Andrew's full name in and just Harp as spouse
then marriages and left the rest and up all came.
It may be of interest to you ?
and the site has had a complete revamp as well with lost more being added daily.
Thank you
in Aust
At 11:03am on December 13, 2009, Robin R. Cordell-Inge gave Christine Kay Olsen-Needham a gift
Merry Christmas
At 10:23am on November 20, 2009, Jeanne Winkler said…
Hi Christine,
It was nice talking with you last night, I felt very comfortable talking to you, your voice is similar to others in the family.
I'm looking forward to hearing from your Mom.
I'll add to this site as soon as I figure it out. Jeanne Winkler


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