Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Debbie Gibson
  • Female
  • Quincy, IL
  • United States
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Debbie Gibson's Friends

  • Foxie
  • John Rampton
  • Linda Craig
  • Mindy Gibson
  • Katrina Haney
  • Jessica Hammond
  • Bonnie Jean Williams
  • Barbara Ann Ziegenmeyer
  • Lorine McGinnis Schulze

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Adair, Dilley, Gibson, Henson, McCune, Lawson, Suddarth
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
USA, Ireland, Scotland, Greece
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Beginning Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
I am the host for Adams County, IL on
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

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At 4:24pm on February 2, 2015, Richard W CHANDLER said…

Hey Debbie, I have just began searching a different line in my family tree.  I am the compiler, Reflections of WHITLEY Family Genealogy.  Gunyon GIBSON is my GGGrandfather.  I am curious, if you are from that part of the GIBSON family. My Great Grand Mother was Lutitia Jane GIBSON married to William W WARD.  Also, I was born in Hannibal, and I still have WHITLEY cousins in Quincy.

Thank You for all you great work

Richard W Chandler

At 3:25am on July 17, 2009, Linda Cardenas said…
Debbie, I appreciate your offer and if you are in the Quincy area, these are the facts I have. My ggrandfather, Thomas Jefferson Hendricks, was born Jan 8, 1823, in the Quincy area. His first wife was Elizabeth Thornhill and they married Aug 3, 1848, in Adams Co. I am "assuming" in Quincy. I have not been able to verify the following; but, I believe his parents were John G. (Gill ?) Hendricks and Elizabeth Malone, both supposedly from KY. If you could find any info on these people, I would appreciate it. Thanks for offering to help. Linda
At 10:04am on July 15, 2009, Foxie said…
forgot. Have a wonderful day pretty lady...
At 10:04am on July 15, 2009, Foxie said…
We are going shopping this morning. I added the Group feature to the IL Sav Grave .ning site. they are sure a quiet bunch of people. will try and be on later if I don't fall asleep. We just got the sheep all taken care of late last night. so hopefully we won't loose anymore of them before we sell some and get a little money back.

happy days. and I like this too it's alot like .ning site but not all of the features. I would like the ning site better if people would do something they join and then that's about it??? am I doing something wrong???
At 7:06am on July 14, 2009, Debbie Gibson said…
Yep I still check the ning site all the time, lmao I dont know, you found me hehehe.
At 10:00pm on July 13, 2009, Foxie said…
well I will I still have the one on the .ning site to keep up with. this is going to get out of hand.
I just no it.
are you on and how the heck did we get to be friends so soon. I'm amazed the makings of this is just like on the .ning site.
At 9:52pm on July 13, 2009, Foxie said…
You out playing pool and I'm sitting here at my computer.. jeezzzzzzz woman... .what is wrong with this picture.... hahahhaha.]
miss our chats. the late night ones. when we keep our hubbies up and mine goes bursurk....
At 7:52pm on July 10, 2009, Jessica Hammond said…
I only just uncovered the Buzzard in my family last week, so I don't know much about her yet. Her name was apparently Iberi[?] Buzzard. She was born in Iowa about 1870, married Emerson Wells, and lived in Lucas County, Iowa for all of her life I'm aware of. I don't know yet if she's any connection to your husband's Minnie Gertrude Buzzard, but with a name like Buzzard in Lucas County, it seems likely.


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