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Deborah Mackrodt
  • Female
  • Levittown, NY
  • United States
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  • Carole Mary Hughes-Beeler
  • Jim Avery
  • Caren

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What surnames are you interested in researching?
Bourke-Bohola, Mayo County Ireland, Mackrodt- Bronx, NY, Kilgallon- Bohola, Mayo County Ireland, Swenson- Kings County, NY, Weed- NY, CT Dennie- MA and CT, Wells- Wantagh, NY, Mayflower- Brewster, Howland, Tilley Allerton, Feagle-NewberrySC, Lake City, Florida

Abbott, Ackley, Adams, Alberts, Aldrich, Ames, Andrus, Angell, Arnold, Ashley, Ashton, Axtell, Ayers, Badcock, Baker, Ballard, Barber, Barry, Beale, Belcher, Benedict, Bent, Bigelow, Blossom, Blott, Boele, Bowen, Brandish, Bratt, Brewster, Bridgham, Brown, Campbell, Chapin, Charnock, Clark, Clarke, Clock, Cobb, Coeymans, Coffin, Collier, Cooley, Cross, Cutler, Davis, Davidson, Decter, Derby, DeVos, DeWeever, Dewey, Droogh, Duxford, Edwards, Egmont, Eggleston, Fellows, Fitzrandolphe, Flint, Fracker, French, Freeman, Frende, Fuller, Gardner, Garnsey, Garred, Gates, Gilman, Glover, Goeway, Goodall, Goodenow, Goodeth, Gorham, Greenleaf, Gulliver, Hall, Hallenbeck, Hanse, Hart, Haymes, Hayward, Hejlsdon, Henage, Herrick, Hickok, Higginbotham, Hill, Hinckley, Hobart, Hodsoll, Holebrook, Holmes, Hopcott, Horton, How, Howland, Hubbard, Humphrey, Hurst, Hyde, Inman, Jacob, Jacobson, Jenks, Jenkins, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Jordon, Kendrick, King, Kingman, Kingsley, Kip, Klock, Larkin, Laskin, Learned, Lee, Leland, Leonard, Lessies, Lewes, Lockerman, Lockwood, Love, Macomber, Macy, Marr, Martin, Masson, Masterson, May, Mellows, Moore, Morgan, Morse, Mowry, Muldor, Muller, Munnings, Munson, Newell, Nichols, Olmstead, Osborne, Otis, Park, Parkhurst, Partridge, Patch, Penny, Philips, Phipps, Pierce, Pitt, Pitts, Prence, Proctor, Purple, Read, Reed, Robrets, Rockwell, Rogers, Roosevelt, Rux, Schermerhorn, Scherp, Schofield, Scofield, Seall, Severance, Sharparowe, Shattuck, Sheldon, Shumway, Singer, Soule, Spaulding, Spencer, Smith, Spoor, Starkweather, Starr, Stearns, Stevens, Stimson, Stone, Talcott, Ten Eyck, Thayer, Thompson, Thember, Tidd, Tilley, Tracey, Tuck, Tweedy, Van Buren, Van der Huel, Van Slyck, Van Whitbeck, Varney, Veare, Wait, Walker, Warren, Weed, Wells, Westcoat, Whedon, Wheeler, Wheelock, Whipple, Whitbeck, White, Whilton, Williard, Williams, Winne, Witter, Wood, Woodbury, Woodford, Wright.
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Germany, Sweden, Ireland
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Beginning Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

My Family

I have my tree on although I dont have a paid membership at the time. I have just recently started adding to it again after finding a few mistakes in dates and relationships. Many times over the years I have had to start from scratch and see where it went wrong.

I am looking for William Mackrodt who was born June 8, 1886 in Berlin, Germany. He came here to Bronx NY thru Ellis Island. I have seen the record and he married Martha Brown/Braun. I dont know when she came here. They had 4 children, Martha ( born 1906), William ( 1915-1947), Ann ( 1914-1989)  and my grandfather Freddie ( 1912-1953 ) All are deceased as far as we know. This has been a road block because when my grandmother divorced Fred she disowned the Mackrodt family and my dad grew up not knowing them. Help!

Peter Albert Swenson ( 1884-1952 ) and wife Adelle are in the 1920 Census with my grandmother Dorothy and her brother Harold. same grandmother ( Dorothy ) who disowned the above family disowned her brother. I know Adelle died between 1920 and 1930 during childbirth. but dont know exactly when or where they are buried. My grandmother died in 1976 and Freddie in 1953.Peter was a carpenter for a merchant ship.

Before my father died in 1994 he was trying to find out more on his family. I do have some dates. I would love to continue what he was trying to do.

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At 5:55pm on February 15, 2014, Deb said…

You and I have several surnames in common: Cobb, French, Fuller, Johnson, Lee, Moore, Morse, Phipps, Thompson.   We should compare trees and see if there are any connections. :-) Have a blessed day!

At 9:48am on February 5, 2012, Jim Avery said…

Did you know we have an active chat community here on Gen Wise? There are usually people in the room willing to do lookups, answer questions, give advice, or just talk about genealogy. We also have scheduled talks on various subjects including trivia on Wednesday and Saturday nights. Please join us sometime.



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