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Erv Nelson
  • Male
  • Manassas, VA
  • United States
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  • Lynn Anderson

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At 12:06am on January 31, 2012, Lynn Anderson said…

Im not sure I responded, yet. Do send the other pages and let's see what I can do. 

You have not said how much you know about Swedish so I shall make just a few comments. Others may be interested. The Swedish language went through a spelling reform in 1906 so your documents reflect the older Swedish. Perhaps the most obvious was the major use of "f" rather than "v" in use today [deraf - derav, Gustaf-Gustav] and "w" (double v, why do we call it double u, it looks like a v) instead of the modern "v" [Swen - Sven].  Many words that used to use "e" have been reformed to use "ä", one of the three vowels Swedish has after the "z"   [ä å ö]. 

Remember that these three letters are unique and not just modifications of the letters an English speaker might see. They occur AFTER z in any kind of alphabetic sorting! It is always important to get them right, particularly in place names. I looked up örsby in the postal guide and it was in the last section, not after N.

Hope all this did not bore you.

At 7:42pm on January 21, 2012, Jim Avery said…

Hello - Did you know we have an active chat community? There are usually people there to discuss genealogy, do look ups for you or just talk. We also have scheduled chats including a lively game of trivia on Saturday and Wednesday evenings at 9 pm eastern time.  Hope to see you sometime soon.

At 4:10pm on January 20, 2012, Lynn Anderson said…


As I understand it, a mantal is more an economic measure than an exact area measure like acres. I  will post a thread to see if we can get a Swede to explain it.

At 4:09pm on January 20, 2012, Lynn Anderson said…

Ok. I finally got the program to load. Yes, there is all kinds of stuff I missed but I could not get Djvu to show more than a narrow band of picture... but it worked.  Here is page one my Swedish transcription (nodoubt flawed) and my English translation (even more flawed):

Mätnings Protokoll

År 1848 den 25de Juli, inställte sig underteck- nad Commissions Landtmätare uti Örsby- holms Säterie, beläget i Jönköpings Län, Wästra Härad och Ljunga Socken, för att, till sälje af nedan intagne förordnade, werk- ställar laga Skifte på alla ägorne till denna samfallighet, hvarwid, efter å fredikskolen i Ljunga Kyrka den 2de nästlidne Juli iggiläst kungörelse, sig inställte af detägarne

För Bengtsgården 1 helt mantal, deraf Magnus Jonasson äger 5/16de Swen Olstedt 5/16 del Enken Lena Maria SamuelsDotter i Elgabäck, genon Sonen Johan andersos son äger 1/4del och Swen Magnus Johannessson 1/8 dels mantal. 

Smedjegården 1 helt Mantal deraf Pehr Johan Gustafsson äger 2/4 del Nils Carlsson 1/4del, Anders Svens son 1/4del och Gustaf Carlsson genom dess Son Carl August 1/4dels Mantal. 

Mauritzgården 1/2 Mantal, deraf äger Andreas Svens son 1/4del, Olaus Svensson 1/8del och Lars Lindberg 1/8dels Mantal. 

Backegården 1 helt Mantal, deraf Jonas Halmström 1/4del, Johannes Magnusson 1/4del Johannes Jonasson 1/4del och Johan Carlsson 1/4dels Mantal                                              Södergården.


Land survey report

 On 25 July1848 the undersigned  commissions surveyor appeared at Örsbyholm  manor, located in Jönköpings Län, Wästra Härad och Ljunga Socken,  to facilitate the sale acting for the below, executing the  change of all properties in this joint  community, herewith, after the Fredik school in  Ljunga Church on the 2nd of ??? July public  announcement, the set of participants. 

 For Bengtsgården 1 mantal, thereof Magnus Jonasson  owns 5/16 part, Swen Olstedt 5/16 part, widow Lena Maria  Samuelsdotter in Elgabäck through son Johan Andersson  owns 1/4 part, and Swen Magnus Johannesson 1/8 part  mantal. 

 Smedjegården full mantal thereof Pehr Johan  Gustafsson owns 2/4 part, Nils Carlsson 1/4 part, Anders Svensson  1/4 part, and Gustaf Carlsson by his son Carl  August 1/4 part mantal. 

 Mauritzgården 1/2 mantal, of it Andreas Svensson  owns 1/4 part, Olaus Svensson 1/8 part, and Lars Lindberg  1/8 part mantal. 

 Backegården one whole Mantal, of it Jonas Halmström  1/4 part, Johannes Magnusson 1/4 part, Johannes Jonasson  1/4 part, and Johan Carlsson 1/4 part mantal.      Södergården.


At 12:46pm on January 20, 2012, Lynn Anderson said…

Oooops. I saw the map but missed the other pages. Now I am having trouble opening the file to see the 100 pages. I will try again later... it may be communications problem.

At 6:02pm on January 18, 2012, Lynn Anderson said…

At another source.

If you want historical maps you can look here


With this map I see the railroad alignment used to run on the west side of the lake but the buildings look similar to the Eniro modern map. Now if you were going to visit, I would knock on that door first and inquire about the history of the farm.  

At 5:33pm on January 18, 2012, Lynn Anderson said…

Regarding Örsbyholm in Jönköpings län.

Your map did not help me. I tried several map services.  Google map does not use Swedish letters and does not find your farm by name. Finally, using Eniro (sort of the Swedish version of Mapquest) both Örsbyholm and Örby are clearly marked and you can zoom in to see the modern buildings. My guess is the home for Örbyholm lies about 200m west of the north end of Hemsjö, the little lake, at the intersection. 

Svensk Ortförteckning simply shows Örsbyholm as a gård, a farm. You cannot tell from that if it is part of a bigger estate.

What was your person-s title or occupation on the husförhörslängd or death registe? His title probably would indicate if he was a tenant or owner.

At 7:53pm on December 28, 2011, Lynn Anderson said…

Hi Erv,

Can you attach a map image to a message posted here? Or can you post a link to the exact map?  Let's try one and see what we can get out of it. Be sure to send a verbal description... where are we talking about and what year.  And exactly what do you want to learn.  Is this from the Kalmar-based family you had some earlier posts about? 


When trying to locate a Swedish place I use 1) Svensk Ortförteckning 1965 at my local Family History Center  2) Auto club atlases which have good detail at 1:200 000 scale  3) Lantmäteriet online maps  and of course Google is always worth a try (very important to use Swedish letters).  I take the parish list in Cradled In Sweden as the best official list of parishes. 


For other observers... Lantmäteriet is a Swedish government agency similar to USGS in the United States. They print govenment maps and apparently approve any published maps in Sweden. Swedish topographical maps scale 1:50 000 can be very useful looking at small local areas.

At 5:01pm on April 5, 2010, Gena Philibert Ortega said…
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