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George Koleas
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  • Germantown, WI
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Greek Families in the 1821 War for Independence in Greece

Started this discussion. Last reply by Connie Christine Byers Sep 25, 2011. 9 Replies

Members of the Koliopoulos family were involved in resistance to the Ottoman Empire’s occupation of their homeland as early as 1802.Our most famous ancestor, Dimitrios, Plapoutas Koliopoulos, played…Continue

Tags: 1821, War for Independence, Greece, Greek

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What surnames are you interested in researching?
Alioto, Arioto, Galioto, Agelopoulos, Aiello, Ajello, Antinucci, Antonicci, Asimakopoulos, Bardon, Blood, Costa, Contorno, Consiglio, Drelles, Dreliosis, Drelliosis, Eggert, Flood, Fuller, Giarratano, Johnson, Kavouras, Koleas, Kolia, Kolias, Kollias, Koliopoulos, Kaliebe, Caliebe, Kedrowski, Kiedrowski, LaRosa, Mancewitz, Mankiewicz, Palmer, Pautsch, Schultz, Schulz, Szukalski, Tedesco, Tannah, Zervas
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Greece, Italy, Poland, Germany, Ireland, Denmark, Scotland, England
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?
I am looking for the following family information. The list is arranged by country of origin:

I. Danish, English, Scottish
II. German
III. Greek
IV. Italian
V. Polish

I. Danish, English, Scottish

Walter Kerr's father was William KERR. His mother was Jane ALEXANDER. Walter Kerr married Julia JOHNSON, 13 July 1890, in Delafield, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Julia Johnson KERR died 4 May 1900. The place of her burial is unknown. Julia reportedly arrived in the U.S. in 1889. The marriage record with Walter KERR lists her as the daughter of John MADSEN and Julia KNUDSEN. She may be a JOHNSON from a previous marriage. They had at least one daughter, Jean. Jean was born in Delafield, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, on 24 June 1891. Jean married Steven REMPELOS. In 1930, Walter was living with Steven and Jean REMPELOS in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. I have also seen Jean's name written as Jennie. Julia had at least one son, Fred, possibly from a previous JOHNSON marriage. I found Fred and his stepsister Jean in the 1900 census living with one of Walter's brothers. Fred's birth was listed as February 1890 in Denmark. Since his mother was supposed to arrive in 1889, she may have been pregnant during her immigration, or the arrival might actually be in 1900. Alternatively, Fred's birth date may be 1889. Fred's birth in the 1910 census is listed as 1890 in Denmark. Julia’s obituary in May 1900 lists two brothers, Nels JOHNSON, living in Chicago and Soren JOHNSON living in Stonebank, Waukesha County, Wisconsin.

I would like to find the arrival of Julia JOHNSON and the birth of Fred, her son possibly from a previous marriage. I would also like to confirm that her brothers were Nels JOHNSON and Soren JOHNSON

Walter and Julia lived in Stonebank, Waukesha County. An index of burials for Stonebank Cemetery lists that Julia JOHNSON (KERR) died May 4, 1900. Her death record has not been found.

I would like to find the death record of Julia JOHNSON KERR.

Walter Kerr married a second time to Emily FULLER on 3 November 1900 at the Grand Avenue Congregational Church by the Pastor C.P. MADSEN in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Prior to the marriage, the couple had received a special dispensation to be married by Judge Griswald in Waukesha County. The 1910 census lists two children with Walter and Emily, Viola and Fred. Viola was born approximately 30 May 1906. Her birthplace in the 1910 census is listed as Wisconsin. The marriage ended in divorce 29 May 1913 in Waukesha County Court. Curiously, the divorce indicates that there were no children. Emily returned to using her maiden name, FULLER. Walter Kerr may have also married for a third time to a woman named Margaret. Her surname is unknown. Their marriage and date is not known.

I would like to find a copy of the special dispensation by Judge Griswald and why it was needed. I would also like to find the birth of Viola KERR. I would like to confirm whether Walter KERR was married a third time.

During the divorce proceedings, Walter asked for a delay to get Fred JOHNSON KERR to testify. The records lists that Fred was in San Francisco at 600 20th Street. He did not return to testify and the proceedings continued.

Fred JOHNSON KERR’s location after 1912 is unknown. Fred's death was not found. I would like to find what happened to Fred JOHNSON KERR.

Norman FULLER, the son of John FULLER and Elizabeth CLARK, born approximately 1820 in New York married Elmira BLOOD, born 1840 possibly in Vermont. They had three children, Emily, born 29 August 1879, Warner, born September 1878 and Ernst, born March 1881. Emily married Walter KERR, son of William KERR and Jane ALEXANDER on 3 November 1900. They were divorced 29 May 1913 in Waukesha County Court. Emily's second marriage was to Fred JOHNSON, born 14 January 1890, in Oconomowoc, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. The marriage was found as February 9, 1914. in Bessemer, Gogebic, Michigan. The birthplace for the bride and groom were listed as Chelsea, Taylor County, Wisconsin. Neither Fred nor Emily were born in Chelsea. They did live for a time in Westboro, Taylor County, Wisconsin, Chelsea is near Westboro. Their children were Jenny, Evelyn and Edna. The family lived in Merton, Waukesha County, Wisconsin; Westboro, Taylor County, Wiisconsin, possibly in Jackson County, Wisconsin; Mauston, or Juneau County, Wisconsin; and finally lived in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Fred was the son of Nels JOHNSON and Julia CHRISTOVERSON.

I would like to find a record of Nels JOHNSON’s birth.

One of the Johnson sisters remembers frequent visits to their cousins, Peter and Tina Johnson in farm in Stonebank Peter Lorenz Johnson and Anna Katrina Johnson are the son of Soren Peter Johnson and Anna Kristine Nissen. They also had a son Martin Nelson. Soren died February 10, 1930 in Fresno California. Soren’s probate was held in 1930. His burial has not been found.

Soren Peter Johnson may have been the same Peter Johnson that witnessed the marriage of Walter Kerr to Julia Johnson or he may be a different Peter Johnson. The family connection has not been proved.

I would like to prove the family connection.

II. German

August SCHULZ or SCHULTZ married Maria ROSS. They had at least two sons, August and Wilhelm Rudolf Friederich. Their son, Wilhelm Rudolf Friederich, born 6 August 1859 Parchim, Mecklenburg Schwerin, Germany. He may have entered the country in 1879. He may have served in the Prussian Army prior to his immigration. He married Ida Elizabeth BIERMANN, born 24 August 1861 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. They were married 24 August 1884 in Wonewoc, Juneau County, Wisconsin. Ida's father, Hienrich BIERMANN, born 1827 in Parchim, Mecklenburg, Germany, married Marie BOHNSACK, born approximately 1833 in Mecklenburg. In addition to Ida, they had five other children, Dorothea, born 1853, Henry, born 1859, Marie, born 1863, Wilhemina, born 1867 and John. Hienrich died at Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin between 1883 and 1888. Marie died at Wonewoc, Juneau County, Wisconsin in 1904. The Biermann family was from Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, but may also have spent time in Wonewoc, Juneau County, Wisconsin. The Schultz family relocated to Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.

I would like to locate the immigration of Wilhelm Rudolf Friederich SCHULZ or SCHULTZ and his brother August. I would also like to find the SCHULZ or SCHULTZ, ROSS, BIERMANN and BOHNSACK families in Germany and extend their lines further back.

Johann EGGERT was born between 1774-1778, in Jassow, Kreis Kammin. He married Charlotte Sophia TEWS between 1765 and 1768, in Jassow, Kreis Kammin. Their son was Christian Friedrich EGGERT, born 1801. Christian married Dorothea Sophia EHMKE born 29 August 1828, in Rehberg, Kreis Usedom-Wollin. Christian and Dorothea’s son, Christian Friederich Eggert born 1836 in Tonnin, Kreis Usedom- Wollin, married Anna Frederike Wilhelmine Ulrike KALIEBE born 17 February 1836, in Treptow a Rega, Griefenberg. Anna’s parents were Johann Friedrich CALIEBE, born 27 Aug 1799 in Kreis Kammin and Engel Sophia DALLMAN born 26 Jul 1804, in Behlkow, Kreis Griefenberg.

I would like to locate the EGGERT, TEWS, EHMKE, KALIEBE or CALIEBE families in Germany and extend their lines further.

Christian Friederich EGGERT and Anna Frederike Wilhelmine Ulrike KALIEBE or CALIEBE were married on 12 November 1858, in Kirchhayn, Washington County. Their children were Gustave Henry, born 1859, Frank John, born 15 October 1864, Louis, born 1861, Carl, born 1863, Willie, born 1869, and Ottlie, born 1876. Frank John married Wilhelmina PAUTSCH, born 23 December 1866. They were married 16 September 1891. Wilhelmina's parents were August Wilhelm Friederich PAUTSCH born 12 January 1841 in Parlin, Naugard, and Ernestine Wolfgram, born 11 November 1847. Their other children were Minnie, Bertha, born 1870, Ida, born 1875, and Emma. The family was from Kirchhayn, Washington County and later moved to Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.

I would like to locate more information about the descendants of these families.

III. Greek

AGELOPOULOS, ANGELOPOULOS Seek ancestors/parents/siblings/children of Andreas Agelopoulos married about 1895 to Anastasia Kavouras poss in Tripiti, (Bitzimbardi, Mbitzimbardi), Olympia, Ilias, Greece , died about 1908 daughter Panagiota Angelopoulos marriage 1 Ilias Zervas, marriage 2 Antonios Kontouvounisios.

ASIMAKOPOULOS, ASSIMAKOPOULOS/SIMOS Seek ancestors/mother/siblings of George Asimakopoulos from Mahala, Olympia, Ilias, Greece, emigrated 1912 to Milwaukee, Wisconsin U.S.A., father Anastasios Asimakopoulos.

DRALIOSIS, DRELIOSIS, DRELLES Seek ancestors/parents/siblings/children/birthplace of George Dreliosis, father Christos Draliosis from Mataisi, Olympias, Ilias, Greece.

KAVOURAS Seek ancestors/parents/siblings of Anastasia Kavouras born about 1872 Sekoulas, Olympia, Ilias or Tripiti, (Bitzimbardi, Mbitzimbardi), Olympia, Ilias, Greece died about 1906, brother Georgios Kavouras, marriage 1 Kostas Koliopoulos, marriage 2 Andrea Agelopoulos died about 1908.

KAVOURAS Seek ancestors/parents/siblings/wife/children of Georgios Kavouras emigrated 1916, listed his home as Andritsena, Ilias on ships’ manifest. He was travelling to visit his nephew Demetrios Koliopoulos aka Dimitrios Kolias aka James Koleas in Haverhill, Ma., U.S.A. Georgios Kavouras was traveling with his niece, Nickoletta Koliopoulos, the sister of Demetrios Koliopoulos.

KOLIOPOULOS, KOLIA, KOLIAS Seek ancestors/parents/siblings/children of the following male line: Nikola-Kolia Koliopoulos born about 1750, Paloumba, Gortynias, Arkadias, Greece; Yoirgos Koliopoulos; born about 1770 Paloumba, Gortynias, Arkadias, Greece; Anthanasios Koliopoulos born about 1810 Paloumba, Gortynias, Arkadias, Greece; Kostas Koliopoulos born about 1812, Naziri (Eva) Messinis, Messinia, Greece; Yiorgos Koliopoulos born about 1830 Naziri (Eva) Messinis, Messinia, Greece; Kostas Koliopoulos born about 1860 Naziri (Eva) Messinis, Messinia, Greece.

KOLIOPOULOS, KOLIA, KOLIAS, PLAPOUTAS Seek ancestors/parents/siblings/wife/children of Demetrios Plapoutas Koliopoulos aka Plapoutas, born 15 May 1786 Paloumpa, Gortynias, Arkadias, Greece son of Nikola-Kolia Koliopoulos born about 1750, Paloumba, Gortynias, Arkadias, Greece.

KOLIOPOULOS, KOLIAS, KOLLIAS Seek birthplace/birthdate Demetrios Koliopoulos born 6 May 1893 or 27 April 1894. Possible locations in Greece are: Sekoulas Olympia Ilias; Driana, Olympia, Ilias; Kalivia-Gortinias. Lived in Tripiti, (Bitzimbardi, Mbitzimbardi), Olympia, Ilias with widowed mother Anastasia Kavouras marriage 1 Kostas Koliopoulos, marriage 2 Andreas Agelopoulos and sister Nickoletta Koliopoulos, born 26 March 1894. Ruins of a family home are reported in Kalivia or Naziri, Greece.

KOLIOPOULOS, KOLIAS, KOLLIAS, KOLEAS Seek birthplace/birthdate Demetrios Koliopoulos aka Dimitrios Kolias aka James Koleas birth 6 May 1893 or 27 April 1894 where he lived and where he worked from 1912-1916. Dimitrios Kolias emigrated 1912 to New York, New York, U.S.A.. He was travelling to visit his uncle George Kavouras in Haverhill, Ma., U.S.A. James Koleas was continuously in Milwaukee, Wi., U.S.A. after 1916.

STASINOPOULOS, STASSINOPOULOS Seek ancestors/parents/siblings/wife/children Dimitrios Stasinopoulos Paloumpa, Gortynias, Arkadias, Greece father of Georgios Stasinopoulos born 1915 marriage Marigoula Zervas about 1932 Tripiti, (Bitzimbardi, Mbitzimbardi), Olympia, Ilias.

ZERVAS Seek ancestors/siblings of Ilias Zervas m Panagiota Angelopoulos died 1926 possibly in Tripiti, (Bitzimbardi, Mbitzimbardi), Olympia, Ilias son of Georgios Zervas and Rosemary Triantafylia .


1. Seeking the death record of Maria ALIOTO/ARIOTO/GALIOTO married to Salvatore BALISTRERI in Santa Flavia 16 Nov 1897. They had a son Antonino, who was born 13 Feb 1898 and died 4 Jul 1898. The family story is that Maria ALIOTO/ARIOTO/GALIOTO died in child birth and was buried with her child in either Boston or New York either before or after a crossing. It is possible that she may have died in Italy between 4 Jul 1898 and the second marriage of Salvatore BALISTRERI to Rosaria MICIELI on 23 Feb 1903 in Santa Flavia.

2. Seeking the marriage record or allegati of the marriage of Salvatore BALISTRERI to Rosaria MICIELI on 23 Feb 1903 in Santa Flavia, Palermo, Sicily. I am looking for the reason to the ending of the marriage of Salvatore BALISTRERI to ALIOTO/ARIOTO/GALIOTO, and the reason he was free to marry Rosaria MICIELI.

3. Seeking the birth of Beatrice ALIOTO/ARIOTO/GALIOTO to Giuseppe ALIOTO/ARIOTO/GALIOTO and Antonina Rose MACHI married 6 Apr 1855 in Santa Flavia, Palermo, Sicily. Other children of these parents were born between 1856-1877.

4. Seeking the military record of Francesco ALIOTO/ARIOTO/GALIOTO born 20 May 1858 in Santa Flavia, Palermo, Sicily. He served in the Italian Merchant Marine and emigrated in 20 Sept 1900.

1 Seeking birth, siblings, marriage, emigration and immigration of Giuseppe “Joseph” CONTORNO was born 8-Feb-1880 in Sicily, Italy to Pietro Contorno and Concetta DI BENEDETTO. He married Carmella COLLURA about 1903. Both arrived in America about 1905. They had three children in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Peter 1 Nov 1905, Nicholas 1 Oct 1908 and Concetta 25 Jan 1911. Cousins included Vincent BUCCELATTO born about 1887, arrived about 1908, Joseph GADIANO born about 1870, arrived 1906, Salvatore GULLO born about 1875, arrived 1909 and Joseph CASIO born about 1873, arrived 1907. Other family may include Nick COLLURA, wife Fran or Fanny, son Vincent and a daughter living on Wheeler Ave. Chicago, Illinois. The CONTORNO family was from Chiusa Sclafani, Palermo, Sicily, Italy.

1. Seeking the birth or adoption of Paolo COSTA and his death after 1950 in Palazzo Adriano, Palermo, Sicily. Paolo COSTA is supposed to be the adopted son of Giovanni Francesco Salvador Pasquale COSTA and Anna Maria GIARRARANO married 1 Jun 1890 in Lucca Sicula, Agrigento, Sicily. However, Paolo COSTA may also be the son of Giovanni Francesco Salvador Pasquale COSTA and Anna SALAMONE married 29 Jan 1865 in Palazzo Adriano, Palermo Sicily or Calogera Paolo VAJANNA married 1 Oct 1843 in Palazzo Adriano, Palermo, Sicily. But he did go by the surname COSTA, so it may be a connection like my grandfather, where he was abandoned and later claimed. If Giovanni Francesco Salvador Pasquale COSTA and Anna Maria GIARRARANO gave up their son Giuseppe as a foundling under the name FIORE, They may have done the same with Paolo. Giuseppe's military record listed his birthplace as Burgio, Agrigento, Sicily.

2. Seeking the birth of Paolo COSTA’s 2 daughters’ and one son prior to 1950 and marriage in Palazzo Adriano, Palermo Sicily.

3. Seeking the children of Luciano MICIELI and Rose COSTA married 13 Oct 1909 in Lucca Sicula, Agrigento, Sicily

4. Seeking the parents and children of Fillipo COSTA, born about 1820, and married to Margarita PILLORA, born about 1829, in Palazzo Adriano, Palermo, Sicily. They had a child named Giuseppe, born in 1854, in Palazzo Adriano, Palermo, Sicily..

5. Seeking the parents, birth and marriage of Giuseppe COSTA born 9 Oct 1856 in Palazzo Adriano married to Providenza DI LEO

6. Seeking the birth of Mary COSTA after 1870 but before 1879 to Giovanni Francesco Salvador Pasquale COSTA and Anna Maria GIARRATANO married 1 Jun 1890 in Lucca Sicula, Agrigento, Sicily. However, Mary COSTA may also be the son of Giovanni Francesco Salvador Pasquale COSTA and Anna SALAMONE married 29 Jan 1865 in Palazzo Adriano, Palermo Sicily. Other possible birth locations may be Villafranca Sicula or Santa Margherita di Belice.

7. Seeking the marriage of Mary Costa, born after 1870 but before 1879 to Felipe GIARRARANO, born 1867. The marriage may have been before 1895. Probable locations may be Lucca Sicula, Agrigento, Sicily, Palazzo Adriano, Palermo Sicily. Other possible birth locations may be Villafranca Sicula, Santa Margherita di Belice or Polizzi Generosa.

9. Seeking the marriage and death of Antonina COSTA born 12 June 1851, Antonino COSTA born about 1854 and Giuseppe COSTA born 1858. They were the children of Giovanni Francesco Salvador Pasquale COSTA and Calogera Paola VAJANNA married 1 Oct 1843 in Palazzo Adriano, Palermo, Sicily

10. Seeking the children and death of Anna SALAMONE before 6-1-1890 in Palazzo Adriano. She was married to Giovanni Francesco Salvador Pasquale COSTA on 29 Jan 1865 in Palazzo Adriano, Palermo, Sicily.

11. Marriage of Maestro Nicolo SALAMONE and Rosaria CANNELA before August 1817 in Palazzo Adriano.

1. Seeking the parents and marriage of Calogera GIARRARANO and Giuseppa AUCELLO before May 1793 in Lucca Sicula, Agrigento, Sicily.

2. The children of Fillipo Andrea GIARRARANO and Rosa Anna BACINO married 27 Jun 1848 in Lucca Sicula, Agrigento, Sicily.

3. Seeking the parents and marriage of Antonino Don Libro BACINO and Caterina GIANETTO before February 1805 in Lucca Sicula, Agrigento, Sicily.

1. Birth and marriage of Antonio TEDESCO born Bet. 1778 - 1880 and Maria Rose Bova CONTI born Bet. 1782 -1790. Their children were born in Termini Imerese, Palermo, Sicily between 1812 and 1820.

V. Polish

Jacob MANKIEWICZ was born 1 June, 1827 in Lubnia, Brusy, Chojnice. He left the Port of Hamburg with his wife Mary BARDON on 2 May, 1868 aboard the S.S. Atlas bound for Quebec. The Quebec passenger list records their name as MANCZEWITZ. On the same ship, was another family whose name was also listed as MANCZEWITZ. The father’s name could not be read from the records, but the spouse was Catherina and the children were Rozalia, Julianne, Johann, Paul and Anna. Jacob and the unknown father may be related.

Jacob’s son Vina, moved to Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin and used the MANKIEWICZ name. Other potentially related MANKIEWICZ families also settled in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which included Nikolai and Wojciech and in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which included the family of film producer Joseph MANKIEWICZ.

I would like to locate the unknown MANCZEWITZ family and the other unknown MANKIEWICZ families from Milwaukee and Philadelphia to determine if they are related.

Andrew KIEDROWSKI, KEDROWSKI , KEDROSKE, or KIEDROWSKI, was born 23, October 1823 in Konitop, Lipusz, Koscierzyna. He was the son of Martin KIEDROWSKI and Victoria MASCHKE, MAZKE or MAZK. His siblings include Anna, Catherina, Jacob, Joseph, Mathias, Peter, Paul and Valentin. Andrew was in Winona, Minnesota before he came to Portage County, Wisconsin. Some of his siblings may have also followed him. Andrew died 30 December 1895 in Pike Lake (Bevent), Marathon County, Wisconsin.

I would like to locate information on Andrew KIEDROWSKI, KEDROWSKI , KEDROSKE, or KIEDROWSKI siblings and extend the KIEDROWSKI, KEDROWSKI , KEDROSKE, or KIEDROWSKI, MASCHKE, MAZKE or MAZK lines further back in Poland.

Andrew KEDROSKE or KIEDROWSKI's first wife was Justinia, (also known as Josephine) CYBULSKA.. Josephine was born 1821 to 1825. They were married in Poland between 1841 to 1853. They lived in Minnesota. She may have moved with him to Portage County, Wisconsin. Justina or Josephine may have died between 1860 and 1870.

I would like to locate the birth and marriage of Justina or Josephine CYBULSKA in Poland and her death in Minnesota or Wisconsin.

Andrew KEDROSKE or KIEDROWSKI's second wife was Magdelena BEMOWSKI or BEJMOWSKI. She married Andrew KIEDROWSKI, 25 June 1879 in Stevens Point, Portage County, Wisconsin. Magdelena was born about 1848. She died in 26 June 1901 in Stevens Point, Portage County, Wisconsin. Magdelena’s death certificate lists her father as Frank BEMOWSKI or BEJMOWSKI and her mother as Katherine BRUFSKI. However, I suspect that her father was Albrecht BEMOWSKI or BEJMOWSKI, who was sometimes known as Frank, and her mother was Catharina KUCHTA.

I would like to locate Magdelena’s birth record in Poland and a record of her marriage to Andrew KEDROSKE or KIEDROWSKI to confirm the identity of Magdelena’s birth parents. I would also like to extend Magdelena’s birth parents lines further back in Poland.

John or James SZUKALSKI, born 1823, married Salome STANIZEWSKI or SYRYSZYNSKA or SZYPRZENSKA, born 1834, and had children Joseph, born 1874, Felix, Stanislaw, John, Anton and Anna. Joseph married Regina GORENTKIEWICZ or KURENKIEWICZ, born 1891. Their children were Helen, Frank, Marty, Stanislaw and Edmond. Reginas' parents were Wojcieck GORENTKIEWICZ or KURENKIEWICZ and his wife, Julianna ZAHNOWICZ. They were from Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. After Joseph's death, Regina married August WOJCIECHOWSKI.

I would like to locate these families immigration to American and their lines in Poland.

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At 12:44am on October 8, 2011, Connie Christine Byers said…
At 10:44pm on October 7, 2011, Connie Christine Byers said…

Amazingly, the family search for my father's side (his has been in America since the 1600's for one line) has so many people and several generations up to almost the same date that goes back to the grandparents that I am seeking to find information on in Greece.  In other words, we have one line that has been traced back that far, but the other lines are stuck around 1820, which is close to the time that I am looking for the dates for my great grandfather in Greece.  I will be writing tonight.  I will post if I hear anything.  Thank you for your encouragement.

At 1:02pm on October 4, 2011, Connie Christine Byers said…
Thank you.  I will try to write to the Embassy.  You were fortunate to have a famous relative that would easily be traced.  Information on either side would be great, so I will look that up and see if they answer me.  I am constructing a family page and hope to have that available on the sites that I have found from there.  Because my communication level is low (limited Greek) I have not tried to write to some of those sites as yet.  Sure appreciate your visiting with me!


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