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Irene Blackburn
  • Female
  • Northumberland
  • United Kingdom
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  • Debbie Kennett

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Irene Blackburn's Page

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Dawson, Harris, Muddle, Bell, Main, Rossiter, Blackburn, Saiger, Kefford, Campling
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher

Comment Wall (8 comments)

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At 4:15pm on November 2, 2013, Al Dawson said…

Any Dawsons from Michigan, New Brunswick or Ontario?

At 10:21am on December 15, 2011, pauline anne hazell said…

dear irene i have campling in my family  someone i know got back to 1620 joseph campling pauline hazell

At 10:44am on July 28, 2010, Danielle MacKenzie said…
Hi Irene,
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I actually started looking for a Sagger family originally, but found this Saiger family living in Hammersmith in the 1891 census. William George Saiger, the father, is listed as being born in Rotterdam, Holland in 1853, but I've been unable to find any other records with this family. I am really interested in William George's daughter Florance. I've been trying to uncover the mystery of my great grandmother's life and family history for my Nana, but her mother was an actress and used more than a few different names, so trying to find out who her parents were and where she came from has been difficult to say the least. However, there are a lot of things about this family that match up with the small amount of info that I have.

Cheers, Danielle
At 12:24pm on July 27, 2010, Danielle MacKenzie said…
Hi Irene,

I see that one of the surnames you're interested in is Saiger. I'm also trying to find out any info on the Saiger family, specifically a George William Saiger who I've only been able to find on the 1891 England census. Do you have any more info on this family?
At 2:07am on September 8, 2009, Sherry Hightower said…

At 7:35am on July 27, 2009, Teri Lewis said…
are you related to any blackburn's in south georgia?
At 4:52am on July 18, 2009, Joan Soldwisch said…
thank you for responding........
At 1:15pm on July 15, 2009, Joan Soldwisch said…
My grandparents from UK.....Thomas Blackburn and Eliza Palmer Blackburn....Tom was in Navy, then moved to Canada pre WWII. I see you're "Advanced." Know we still have kin in the "old country".....are we related in any way? the only addresses I have are in SW London.....before they emigrated. Their children; Eric, Gwendolyn, Vera and Leslie.


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