Genealogy Wise

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John Scott McKay
  • Male
  • Boca Raton, FL
  • United States
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John Scott McKay's Friends

  • Burkely Hermann
  • Jakob P. Little
  • Pamela Carter
  • William Douglas
  • Carroll Nichols Holmes

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John Scott McKay added a discussion to the group Primrose family Scotland

Primrose to Iowa

HI, I wondered if any one has any connections to the Primroses who left Scotland, to go to Iowa? TY. Scott McKaySee More
Jul 28, 2023
John Scott McKay shared Linda Temple's group on Facebook
Jul 28, 2023
John Scott McKay commented on Linda Temple's group Primrose family Scotland
"Hi, I am Scott McKay, I am Researching Primroses for a friend. In the next couple of days I will give names and dates. Thankyou. "
Jul 27, 2023
John Scott McKay joined Linda Temple's group

Primrose family Scotland

For anyone who is researching Primrose in Scotland. The family originates in Culross/Kincardine, Perthshire (now in Fife). My Primroses ended up in Lanarkshire and Ayr, then scattered around the world.See More
Jul 27, 2023

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
MacKay/McKay, Ordish, Page,Roth, Allen, Kimble, Scott, Whitehouse, Packard, Eicher, Chandler, Taylor, Harden,Schlatter, Gurney, Ingalls, Cole and a few otheres
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
United States, England, Scotland, Switzerland
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 10:06am on May 21, 2018, Burkely Hermann said…


Hello. I thought you'd like to join new Packard family group I created:

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Burkely Hermann,

Packard descendant via Samuel-Zaccheus-John-Barnabas I-Barnabas II-Barnabas III-William Henry-Cyrus Winfield Packard.

At 9:45pm on September 14, 2010, beverly Jane watson said…
Hi John, You spell your HardEn with an E ,I spell ours with an I ,HardIn... I am related to Cooks and Cookes also and Mclins(Mclains) . Are you related to Cathleen Petersen and married to her sister Anne ? My grt-grt grandmother was Mary Hannah Cooke of Northumberland England b. 1854. Any relation ?
At 12:57pm on January 11, 2010, Sherri S said…
Greetings John,

I see your temps are not that far away from ours here in the North West. I hope it warms up soon for you folks.
My interest in the Cooke surname is very recent because this year I started to focus on how & if relatives in Dunville, Canada were related to the Playle family. My parents generation were not able to recall. The connection was not as hard to make as I thought. Marr>Cooke >Playle from England. So I have just dipped my toe into researching Cookes. My Cooke connection is in Canada at the moment. I need to see where that family ancestors came from. Thank you for your note!


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