Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Julia Mitchel
  • Female
  • Lexington, KY
  • United States
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  • Cecile Hoffman Ellis
  • Alice Dilts
  • Myo
  • Maureen Teachman
  • Joyce Garrott

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Soule, Alden, Standish, Cooke, Allerton, Peterson.
O'Hara, Slayden/Slayton, Welch, Grant.
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Registrar, local chapter of NSDAR

Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 9:46am on February 5, 2012, Jim Avery said…

Hi - Saw your post about PA records on - they are records that Ancestry acquired from the Pennsylvania Historical Society - about 7.5 million. It is worthwhile checking them out. They had a webinar about them a week or so ago and that should be in the Ancestry Learning Center. A lot of Birth Marriage and Death records plus some vital records from family histories. Family Search also has a bunch of PA records.  What part of PA are you researching? I live in York Co.  Where is your O'Hara?  My cousin's father was from Cazenovia NY and was an O'Hara.

Did you know we have an active chat community here on Gen Wise? There are usually people in the room willing to do lookups, answer questions, give advice, or just talk about genealogy. We also have scheduled talks on various subjects including trivia on Wednesday and Saturday nights. Please join us sometime.

At 6:34pm on February 13, 2011, Bill McGroom said…

Thanks Julia,

My wife says that any royal blood has long since been diluted in 500 years. It was a complete surprise to me that we were related. I even have ancestry back to 600 France. The reason I asked about the certificate is because I am new at this thing called genealogy and had  no idea what kind of records they  kept back then. I was even surprised they kept records of anything back then even for royalty


At 11:27am on October 5, 2010, Arthur Joseph Soles said…
Hi Julia
I am still waiting for the test to arrive and then I have to send it back so I guess it will be a while yet. It's one of the things about living in Canada, things take a little longer.
At 10:29pm on October 4, 2010, Gloria Mongole said…
Hi Julia, my line is farther north and has always been Slayton. Thomas was the first to arrive at Ipswich, MA from Scotland in the early 1600's settling in Springfield, MA. There are a couple of generations in the cemetery there which was interesting. Then the family began to branch into different areas. I've been able to trace some into Vermont and NH. My line traveled and setting near Lake Erie/Buffalo area in town of Oswego for a couple of generations, and my line then went to Lapeer, MI (near Detroit) for several more generations. My grandfather was born in Detroit, and his family moved to New Haven, CT. There is only one male Slayton surviving, my nephew George. My son is a Slayton through me so I'm sure that would qualify. It might be possible. I can discuss it with them. I would be very interested in your private website!
At 11:57pm on September 24, 2010, Maureen Teachman said…
Julia If there is anything I can get for you like photos of homes or info, please let me know. I will be very glad to help you get more info. You should email me directly mteach at cox dot net
At 11:28pm on September 24, 2010, Arthur Joseph Soles said…
Thanks for the kind words. As for the Mayflower, I shall await the DNA results. This will either prove the myth I have heard from my relatives or disprove it and then we will get on with other lines of research. There are so many of them.
At 1:58pm on September 15, 2010, connie simonow said…
OMG, are soooo informative. I can't thank you enough.
At 3:08pm on September 13, 2010, Gena Philibert Ortega said…
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Gena Philibert Ortega, Community Manager
At 7:42am on September 13, 2010, connie simonow said…
Thank you Julia for the info...only wish I had more time for this research.


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