Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Kirsty F Wilkinson
  • Female
  • Edinburgh
  • United Kingdom
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Kirsty F Wilkinson's Friends

  • Declan Hoare
  • Morag Hughson
  • Arthur William Reed
  • Alan Magnus-Bennett
  • Jeanine Anne Moss
  • pauline anne hazell
  • Janette Hinchliffe
  • Jenni Crossland
  • Sarah Hood (Sallie)
  • Annette Weems Spencer
  • Seonaid Lewis
  • Ann Heinz
  • Laura Adams
  • Valerie Fitz Pereszlenyi
  • Christine Elaine Law

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About Me

A professional genealogist whose job is also my passion. I run the My Ain Folk family history research service and if you need advice or assistance with researching your Scottish ancestors I would love to help.

I started the Scotland and Scottish Ancestry group here on GenealogyWise and I invite anyone with Scottish ancestors to join and to post their family details. It's quite a busy group and I hope it will help us all to find lost cousins and to get over some of our brickwalls! If you would like some more personal advice please feel free to send me a message or you can also contact me at

I blog about my own ancestors and about some of the interesting records I come across whilst doing research at and you can also find me 'tweeting' about genealogy at

Latest Activity

Marla Glad joined Kirsty F Wilkinson's group

Scotland and Scottish Ancestry

A group for anyone with Scottish ancestry to exchange tips and post their research interests.
Nov 10, 2024
Craig Humes liked Kirsty F Wilkinson's group Scotland and Scottish Ancestry
Aug 5, 2023
Tamara Noe commented on Kirsty F Wilkinson's group Scotland and Scottish Ancestry
"Due to Ethnicity Inheritance on, I recently found that I am much more Scottish than Irish. Therefore, I will be needing some help soon. My names of interest to start with will be Mitchell, Solomon, Walker, McGregor, and Gordon.…"
Aug 5, 2023
Tamara Noe joined Kirsty F Wilkinson's group

Scotland and Scottish Ancestry

A group for anyone with Scottish ancestry to exchange tips and post their research interests.
Aug 5, 2023
Catherine Ann Primrose joined Kirsty F Wilkinson's group

Scotland and Scottish Ancestry

A group for anyone with Scottish ancestry to exchange tips and post their research interests.
Jul 25, 2023
Tony Masiuk joined Kirsty F Wilkinson's group

Scotland and Scottish Ancestry

A group for anyone with Scottish ancestry to exchange tips and post their research interests.
Mar 31, 2023
Brian Charles Maclachlan joined Kirsty F Wilkinson's group

Scotland and Scottish Ancestry

A group for anyone with Scottish ancestry to exchange tips and post their research interests.
Jan 22, 2023
Nicola Sherrock joined Kirsty F Wilkinson's group

Scotland and Scottish Ancestry

A group for anyone with Scottish ancestry to exchange tips and post their research interests.
Mar 9, 2022
Profile IconTricia Wohlers and John Mitchell joined Kirsty F Wilkinson's group

Scotland and Scottish Ancestry

A group for anyone with Scottish ancestry to exchange tips and post their research interests.
Feb 23, 2022
Wilma Rankine joined Kirsty F Wilkinson's group

Scotland and Scottish Ancestry

A group for anyone with Scottish ancestry to exchange tips and post their research interests.
Apr 11, 2021
Paula Louise Spart joined Kirsty F Wilkinson's group

Scotland and Scottish Ancestry

A group for anyone with Scottish ancestry to exchange tips and post their research interests.
Oct 28, 2020
Deborah Banks joined Kirsty F Wilkinson's group

Scotland and Scottish Ancestry

A group for anyone with Scottish ancestry to exchange tips and post their research interests.
May 12, 2020
Gillian Brooks Moorecroft joined Kirsty F Wilkinson's group

Scotland and Scottish Ancestry

A group for anyone with Scottish ancestry to exchange tips and post their research interests.
Sep 29, 2019

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Wilkinson - Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
Sykes - Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
Barker - West Yorkshire & London - two separate lines
Harris - West Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire
McNeil - Central Scotland, Northern Ireland
Frickleton (Freckleton/Frackleton etc.) - Central Scotland, Northern Ireland, USA, Canada
Lawson/Brown - Gorleston & Great Yarmouth, Suffolk/Norfolk
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
United Kingdom & Ireland
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Professional Genealogist
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Scottish Family History
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall (23 comments)

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At 11:36am on July 3, 2012, Otto Hagen said…

I'm the family genealogy compiler.  James MUIRE arrived from Scotland, to Virginia in 1691.  We have nearly all of our line complete since that time.  The Muire Clan place their roots at Rowallan Castle, Kilmarnock, which my wife and I visited in 09.

Good to have a connection to the homeland.   

At 12:27am on April 7, 2011, Seonaid Lewis said…

Hi Kirsty

Can you please add my Scottish surnames to the Scotland group:





Thanks! SEONAID @genebrarian

At 6:29pm on July 15, 2010, arnold shirek chamove said…
Thanks Kirsty
And, our family is HENDERSON from Ardnamurchan and Mull. Is it easy to start a HENDERSON group or sub-group? Is it better to post on the general Socttish site rather than create a sub-category?
At 7:42am on April 13, 2010, nadine wilkinson said…
Im hoping you might be able to help. I researched a whole Wilkinson family after being told that my husbands family all came from Oldham and I managed to find a family on the census returns that fitted in perfectly. Anyway it now turns out that they came from Huddersfield. My husbands great great grandad John Wilkinson was born in 1871(from census) in Huddersfield, married Clara Marsden and had Harry in 1893 before moving to Blackpool where they had Gladys and Cyril before moving to Oldham. I dont suppose you have come across this family? There are a few John Wilkinsons in the Huddersfield area in 1891and I dont want to pick up the wrong family again!

At 9:18am on September 11, 2009, Susan M CURD said…
Kirsty, Though the name I'm researching appears predominately in southern England there is evidence that there are Curds in Scotland some of whom moved to Ireland. There are also a variety of surname related to Curd such as Mc Curdy. My aim is to test by Ydna to see if all these Bute men are related but I have to find them first. Please could you add my CURD group to the Scottish Ancestry group. Thanks
At 6:33pm on August 21, 2009, Carol Whiffen Tackett said…
kristy I would love to start a Logan group.
At 6:08pm on August 18, 2009, John Briant Whiteford said…
HI Kirsty, I am looking for info on James Whiteford,born Renfrew, 1823 and emmigrated with wife Jane and 3 children on the Shakamaxon to Adelaide,South Australia on the 11 October 1852.I am interested in his parents and his wife's details as well. Regards..John
At 2:46am on August 18, 2009, John Laws said…
Hi Kirsty
There is a MacClaren Surname group
As for me we research everything Lawes/Laws.McLaws
At 8:45am on August 8, 2009, Ezziej Bromwich said…
Thanks Kristy,
I went back to Scotland People and went through all of the Paterson again. I took all of the Paterson (soundex too) from 1660 to 1700.
Did not find a link through that. The only Andrew close to 1659 was in 1658 and son of Andro and Margret Durie. It was the same information I already had. I will do a time line with my info but I do not think it will help. I also, tried surname navigator but I had problems entering the site for some reason.
Ezziej Bromwich
At 7:06pm on August 5, 2009, Ezziej Bromwich said…
I have checked out all that I can find and I am still at a loss. Is there anything or anywhere that would be suggested or that you can help with to find the parents of Andrew Paterson born in 1659 of Hamilton, Lanark, Scotland? It has been suggested that his father be Charles for that is the name of his first son.
Are you able to help with locating a father for Andrew?
Thank you, Ezziej

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