de Vere, Hunt, Phillips, Foott, Seaton, Mauduit, Garvey, Jackson, Pigott, Rogers, von Pfeiltizer genannt Franck, von Schroeders, von Blomberg, von Fircks, von Korff, von Plettenberg, von Buttlar,von Grotthus, von Furstenberg,von Nettlehorst, von Hoynigen, von Heune, von Sachen, von Behr, von Torck, von Broel-Plater, von Ludinghausen genannt Wolff, von Boenninghausen genannt Budberg, von Taube, von der Recke, von Maydell, von Rosen, von Teisenhausen, Kiernan, Croker, Park, Bowles, Gibson, Raymond, Butler, Pomeroy, Campion, Maunsell, Bayly, Atkinson, Erberry, Heard, Bickford, Warburton, Dunscomb, Dillon, Wade, Chambre, Walsh
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Ireland (both), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Russia, Germany, West Indies
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Irish landed gentry and Baltic Nobility-great research skills
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