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Loralee Wellington
  • Female
  • Glen Ellen, CA
  • United States
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Loralee Wellington left a comment for Mary Cile Bradley
"Hello,I just saw your post about the Bradley family that includes Ransom Amos Bradley.I am descended from Cynthia Christine Bradley Clark Heavin, through her son RansoM Amos Clark.I see that way back in 2011, you were not sure if William Bradley and…"
Nov 24, 2023
Loralee Wellington commented on Kimberlee A Dyer's blog post Mystery Lady
"Well, I hope you are able to figure it out someday soon... =)I suddenly remembered that I also have a 'Mystery Woman', who is also an aunt. It says on the back that she is my g-grandmother's sister, but that was written by her…"
Nov 13, 2023
Loralee Wellington commented on Kimberlee A Dyer's blog post Mystery Lady
"It says 'Aunt Ellen' just above the very clear 'Ellen?'. It's just very sloppy writing.Where did your grandmother grow up? Did either of her parents have a sister named Ellen, or perhaps married an Ellen?"
Nov 8, 2023
Loralee Wellington left a comment for catherine fisher
"Hello,Just saw that you are also researching KERRIGAN. Mine were from Co Sligo in Ireland. Were yours from Ireland, or Northern Ireland?Loralee Wellington"
Jun 14, 2022
Loralee Wellington left a comment for Terry Stewart
"Just discovered that you are also researching the SUGGS surname. Mine were in GA in the early to mid 1800's, and in NC in the late 1700's, very early 1800's.(Sarah 'Sally' Suggs, daughter of McKinley Suggs, son of John…"
Jun 14, 2022
Loralee Wellington left a comment for Dee Dixon
"Just discovered that you are also researching the SUGGS surname. Mine were in GA in the early to mid 1800's, and in NC in the late 1700's, very early 1800's.(Sarah 'Sally' Suggs, daughter of McKinley Suggs, son of John…"
Jun 14, 2022
Loralee Wellington left a comment for Beth Vanderby
"Oh, I did not read carefully; are your SUGGS in England, rather than the US?"
Jun 14, 2022
Loralee Wellington left a comment for Beth Vanderby
"Just discovered that you are also researching the SUGGS surname. Mine were in GA in the early to mid 1800's, and in NC in the late 1700's, very early 1800's.(Sarah 'Sally' Suggs, daughter of McKinley Suggs, son of John…"
Jun 14, 2022
Loralee Wellington left a comment for Marcelne Beem
"Just discovered that you are also researching the SUGGS surname. Mine were in GA in the early to mid 1800's, and in NC in the late 1700's, very early 1800's.(Sarah 'Sally' Suggs, daughter of McKinley Suggs, son of John…"
Jun 14, 2022
Loralee Wellington left a comment for janet shell
"Just discovered that you are also researching the SUGG/SUGGS surname. Mine were in GA in the early to mid 1800's, and in NC in the late 1700's, very early 1800's.(Sarah 'Sally' Suggs, daughter of McKinley Suggs, son of John…"
Jun 14, 2022
Loralee Wellington left a comment for Faye S Mixon
"Hello,Just discovered that you are also researching the SUGGS surname. Mine were in GA in the early to mid 1800's, and in NC in the late 1700's, very early 1800's.(Sarah 'Sally' Suggs, daughter of McKinley Suggs, son of John…"
Jun 14, 2022
Loralee Wellington updated their profile
Jun 14, 2022
Loralee Wellington left a comment for June Sallee-Jackson
"Hello again, June!I just noticed that I never got a response from you from 1 1/2 years ago... I hope you are ok!My email address is , if you still have the Abraham Sallee info.My apologies if you've already sent it; I…"
Feb 23, 2021
P Bryant left a comment for Loralee Wellington
"Do you have your McCreight research posted online anywhere? I've been researching the Bryan(t)s of Fairfield County SC for ages."
Feb 23, 2021
Loralee Wellington commented on Debbie Anne Jackson's group Ireland and Irish Ancestry
"Hello,I am researching the following Irish and Scots-Irish surnames:MCCREIGHT, MCMICHAEL, PEARSON, MCCLUNEY, KERRIGAN, (Sligo) MORAN (Sligo), PLOVER (Galway), NOONAN (Teermaclane, Co Clare), O'BRIEN (Co Clare), KEARSE…"
May 21, 2019
Loralee Wellington joined Debbie Anne Jackson's group

Ireland and Irish Ancestry

This group is for anyone interested in Irish Ancestry.
May 21, 2019

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Bagley, Beckman, Bradley, Clark, Davis, Dolwig, Drier, Duckhorn, Harris, Hawkins, Jackson, Kerrigan, Lentz, McCluney, McCool, McCreight, McMichael, Moran, Moyer, Noonan, O'Brien, Payne, Pearson, Plover, Sallee, Schroder, Siegrist, Simpson, Smith, Suggs, Whitworth
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
US, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Prussia, Hungary, Bavaria, other parts of Germany
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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At 1:00am on February 23, 2021, P Bryant said…
Do you have your McCreight research posted online anywhere? I've been researching the Bryan(t)s of Fairfield County SC for ages.
At 8:35am on May 22, 2019, Rosemary Taylor said…

I descend from Martha Patsy Jackson, daughter of William P. Jackson and Jinny Sallee.  I have a public tree at

If I am correct, John Jackson and Emily Payne divorced, and he married a younger woman.  She then moved to Labette County, Kansas, where I now live.  I am not sure which of her children moved with her, and I did not find as much information as I would have liked researching my area.  I like to know if my next-door-neighbor is related.  Do you know more? 

At 8:42am on November 27, 2018, June Sallee-Jackson said…
Welcome Loralee!
My father truly did the majority of the Salle' research wayyy back in the day. My brother Paul Sallee and I are avid researchers and have continued to research different lines as our families have expanded through marriages. Many years ago, my Dad published a Salle' newsletter. There is quite a lot of Salle' family information and a number of Salle' groups that are out there to belong to that are direct lineages of Abraham Salle'. Quite a number of people have visited Il de Re in France.

Unfortunately, my father's health has taken a turn for the worse, so he is not as active on the internet as he once was. There is a lot of Salle' family stuff to share, but it cannot be done in a short time and of course, it depends on how much info you actually want.

As far as the Jackson family, this is my husband's side of the family. Jackson is a pretty common name. His original Jackson family came over from Wales and settled in the Wythe County area of Virginia. The original immigrants were John and Nancy (Farmer) Jackson and they had a huge family. In fact, they took much pride in the fact that all the children lived to ripe old ages and had children of their own. I have a lot of information on them as well. Much more than I can provide here, but it would be prudent to figure out if they are the same family. I do not mind helping you with this as time permits. What information do you have on your Jackson family?


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