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Louise Walsh Throop
  • Female
  • Sunol, CA
  • United States
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Louise Walsh Throop's Friends

  • sol
  • Patrick Edward Sol
  • Armando Framarini

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Julie Crain Miguel joined Louise Walsh Throop's group

Soule Family

Descendants of George Soule, of the Mayflower, also Waste/West, Peterson, and Haskell
May 28, 2020
Armando Framarini commented on Louise Walsh Throop's group Soule Family
"George Soule Y-SNP research update. Mayflower George(1st gen) is SNP A20032, George's sons (2nd generation) Nathaniel is SNP A20047, John is SNP BY32573, and George SNP (to be determined). The only 3rd generation identified so far is Sylvanus…"
May 17, 2019

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Soule, Sol, Soles, Haskell, Waste, West, Throop, Miller
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
USA, England, Holland, Netherlands, Belgium
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Descendants of George Soule, of the Mayflower, for 5-6 generations. Descendants of William Throope, to MA ca 1666, for 5 generations.

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At 5:18pm on May 31, 2016, Kevin Strattan said…

Hi Louise,

I have submitted some information to Genalogy Trails for Perry County, IL.  As I look over it I realize some of your research is in my notes, so I just want to make sure it is ok with you that the information is submitted under biographies?  I didn't have an email addy for you so reaching out to you this way.  Please let me know.  Some of the stuff is my own work and also some of it is from the Books but some of it is the product of your research into Perry County, IL too.

At 7:02pm on August 5, 2013, Clayton L. Soules said…

Hi, Louise,

This is Clay Soules, and I haven't talked to you in some time, so I thought that I'd check in.   You may remember that I live just up "the 80" to the East of you.   Have you found anything that is interesting on the genealogical search for the parents of "George Soule"?   The last time that we talked, you were just starting to shift your research focus from England to Belgium and  Holland for the Soule Lineage.  Is there anything new ??

At 1:51pm on August 4, 2013, Roger Alan Walton said…

I would be very grateful for any assistance since I  have not been able to determine the wife(s) of John L. Soule, born 30 Mar 1787, Amenia, Dutchess, New York; died 24 Jan 1850 Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois whose parents were  Joseph Soule (1759-1840) and Hannah Randell (1760-?) . 
I have found his original Will that does not mention a wife, only his children. Birth records for children in Illinois and Wisconsin appear to be destroyed or lost or no parents listed.  There are also land records from Illinois and Wisconsin and mentions in local history books.  They only mention John Soule and/or family.    Any thoughts would be very much appreciated

At 5:49am on June 5, 2012, Sally Henson said…

Sena Throop Washburn Frost Kingcade - WJ Kingcade is my 2nd grt-grandfather.  Wanting info on Sena to help in searching out details on WJ.  Do you know:

Date of Sena's death?

Where she died?

Cause of death?

Sena is nickname - what was her full given name?

and their daughter, Eliza - where was she born?


At 3:50pm on February 4, 2012, Caren said…

Howdy! I see you got Throop and a William Throope to boot! That's the Throope's that used to be Scrope's in England right? William changed his name coming over cuz his father was hanged for trying to kill King Charles 1st.

At 2:08pm on February 2, 2012, Jim Avery said…

Do you know we have an active chat community here on Genealogy Wise? There are usually people in the room who can help with lookups, answer questions, give advise or talk. We also have scheduled chats on various topics including lively games of trivia every Wednesday and Saturday at 9 pm eastern. Please join us sometime.

At 12:13pm on February 1, 2012, Jim Avery said…

Hello - Years ago when I first got into genealogy there was a man named Throop who was related to Eugenia Ayers whose maiden name was Avery. Now her mother's maiden name was Lucy West who married Charles Avery. They lived in Bradford County PA. Mr. Throop lived in Connecticut as I remember. Any relation?

At 4:06pm on April 7, 2010, Mike Mellon said…
I am researching the Mellon portion of my family and have corresponded with the Mellon family of PA and was told a geneanlogist with the last name of Throop did research for a Leta Crawley (now deceased) regarding a Mellon occurring in the 1850 Census that was born in Ireland abt 1815, immigrated to PA, then to Missouri. This Mellon was found by the genealogist to be the son of Andrew Mellon, born in Omagh, County Tyrone, Ireland b. 1782.

Are you the genealogist that was hired by Leta Crawley? If not, would you know who it was. And if so, I would like to either get connected with the Crawley family or discuss with you the possibility of gaining the information to assist in pursuing my g grandfather (Patrick H. Mellon) information
At 1:53pm on March 31, 2010, sol said…
I am trying to find my ancestors. My pedigree goes back to 1641. They lived for 350 years near Amsterdam. What puzzles me is the difference in Religion. My ancestors were Roman Catholic, the Sol Family in Amsterdam were Protestants.

Wim Sol
At 6:01am on November 28, 2009, Armando Framarini said…
I replied in the Sol group with information which may help future Sol researchers.


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