Genealogy Wise

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Luckie Daniels
  • Female
  • Mableton, GA
  • United States
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  • Davina Harrison
  • Miriam Bailey
  • James Alfred Locke Miller Jr.
  • robyn anderson
  • The Williams Family Tree
  • Louise Bernero
  • Sue Pearson Greichunos
  • Bob Franks
  • Lisa Katherine Sears Kennedy
  • Brenda Faye Joiner
  • Kelsey Rene Wesley

Luckie Daniels's Discussions

LowCountry Africana Tonight CNN Anderson Cooper - 10PM ET!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Toni Carrier Jul 15, 2009. 7 Replies

Slave Documents - Family, Legal & Historical

Started this discussion. Last reply by JC Flynt Sep 6, 2010. 41 Replies

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Delores Anderson joined Luckie Daniels's group

Georgia Root Diggers

An open forum for researchers digging-up ancestral roots in Georgia!
Nov 24, 2024
Delores Anderson joined Luckie Daniels's group

Alabama Root Diggers

An open forum for researchers digging-up ancestral roots in Alabama!
Nov 24, 2024
Vance Lockett joined Luckie Daniels's group

Alabama Root Diggers

An open forum for researchers digging-up ancestral roots in Alabama!
Jul 26, 2023
Lewis Hales joined Luckie Daniels's group

Georgia Root Diggers

An open forum for researchers digging-up ancestral roots in Georgia!
Sep 4, 2021
Beverly Duncan joined Luckie Daniels's group

Georgia Root Diggers

An open forum for researchers digging-up ancestral roots in Georgia!
Mar 10, 2020
Vashti T Jones commented on Luckie Daniels's group Georgia Root Diggers
"I am researching the Touchstone family.  My Great, Great Grandfather was James Touchstone from Barnswell District SC who moved to Lanier and Echols County Georgia. Our family line dropped the “s and “e” on our name sometime in…"
Jan 5, 2020
Vashti T Jones joined Luckie Daniels's group

Georgia Root Diggers

An open forum for researchers digging-up ancestral roots in Georgia!
Jan 4, 2020

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Slave Ancestry, LDS, Archival - Georgia & Alabama
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My Alabama Roots - The Barwicks

Luckie Daniels's Blog

Could We Be Desensitized To Slavery?

Posted on August 23, 2009 at 2:30pm 1 Comment

This post has spawned a wonderful stream of open dialogue on my Our Georgia Roots blog today {PLEASE read the insightful comments!}. Here's hoping the coversation can continue...



Recently I realized that over the years, my personal prejudice in regards to the Civil War has prevented me from learning about the war & the significant involvement of enslaved & free,… Continue

Oral History: Sharing Your Family Stories!

Posted on July 22, 2009 at 10:30am 1 Comment

Yesterday, Author Anita Wills joined our LowCountry Africana Group here at GenWise and posted an amazing narrative about her Great-Great Grandmother, Leah Ruth-Warner.

Reading about the life journey of Leah Ruth-Warner… Continue

Ancestors Lost.

Posted on July 13, 2009 at 12:02pm 9 Comments

Whenever I introduce myself for Genealogical purposes, I always say "I am Luckie Daniels, a descendant of emancipated slaves from Washington-Wilkes Georgia".

It’s not spoken with any inkling of shame {to the contrary, great pride!}, nor is it intended to spur guilt. It is just who I am.

While I am not defined by Slavery, I would be remiss to ignore the impacts of the Chattel System upon myself personally, my Family and African-American Culture, as a… Continue

GenealogyWise – Ask & It Shall Be Given?!

Posted on July 10, 2009 at 12:49pm 4 Comments

Just a mere 6 days ago, Mavis {aka NCChemist} & I had a Tweetersation {yes, I just created my own word!:-} about the virtues of utilizing Facebook for Genealogy purposes.

Although not quite convinced that I wanted my Facebook & Genealogy worlds to meet {being a “Techie”, I live in the land of WWW daily & consider Genealogy “MY” time!}, I have to admit after hearing from Mavis how cool it was to connect with long-lost cousins, I was at least thinking about… Continue

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At 9:41pm on December 24, 2014, Janeen Wilkins said…
Luckie, I'm back on the trail of Coleman Williams. Are you still there? My family and I have moved to Anchorage, Alaska and are finally stable. I feel I can get back to the research. Merry Xmas, Janeen
At 10:53am on November 10, 2009, Sue Pearson Greichunos said…
I know what you mean about needing to get the feel for the "lay of the land". I'm having a little bit of success online via, but it also opens up MORE questions/doubts. I'd have never thought my Hill and Peel ancestors would be like looking up Smith or Jones. lol. Interestingly, however, there are a couple people popping into my life who have given me help -- a couple of "removed" & distant cousins, and a woman who, as a child, was a playmate when my Mother took me to Alabama to visit an Aunt. At 9 years old, we struck up a temporary friendship (meaning to keep in touch as pen pals) but I was there just a few days, and it didn't last. Now all these years later, she sends me a blind email asking permission to convey information about the Uncle and Aunt who were her neighbors. She didn't know it was the little girl from her past until I wrote back after recognizing her maiden name! We're now email-pals. I wish you the best of luck in your hunt, and I hope it opens doors to many friendships & re-acquaintances w/cousins & ancestors. God Bless.
At 7:55pm on October 12, 2009, James Alfred Locke Miller Jr. said…
I'd be glad to join.

About 15 years ago I was invited to the five-day black Bellinger family re-union, but I forget the name of the Piedmont, S.C., county. As the only "white" there--and I was amazed, the last day at the "speak from your heart" last lunch; except in seeing my arms before me; I felt as one with the family--as if I was colorless. And I'm no super Liberal attempting to feel that way; that's just the way it turned out.

I believe your website shows an Alabama connection? My Thomas Malone, Sr., circa 1805, was U.S. Land Office agent, U.S. magistrate, and Asst. Indian agent, Ft. St. Stephens, Alabama. The book of (Pickin's?) Alabama biography, tell's how Malone got a passport through the Indian nation from Raleigh, N.C., to Ft. St. Stephens and took several (white) families with him and their slaves. It tells how a raft overturned and children (white and black?) drowned. Malone was originally from Malone's Mill Creek, Warren Co., N.C., to Raleigh; and from Ft. St. Stephens he finally settled Mobile. He and Capt. Edm. Pendleton Gaines, arrested Aaron Burr, and escorted Burr to trial, Richmond, Va.

If some one descends a Malone slave of Mobile, or Ft. St. Stephens, then their origins may go back to Raleigh, or even Warren Co., N.C.

The Navy has just named an ammunition ship in honor of Medgar Evers. In honoring Evers; the Navy also honors itself.
At 5:00pm on August 27, 2009, Louise Bernero said…
Thanks for the welcome Luckie....No my profile image is not a relation....I just love old vintage photos.....I think I was born in the wrong century!
Thanks again....I am looking forward to learning my way around!
At 7:48pm on August 26, 2009, Felicia Mathis said…
got get more familiar with this site. did a little browsing earlier, but did not find anything, guess im going to have to set-up my own group. how does louisiana researching or researchers sound?
At 4:27pm on August 26, 2009, Felicia Mathis said…
forgot all about this site!! Thanks for the reminder and I'm on point
At 6:57pm on July 25, 2009, Luckie Daniels said…
Recent Our Georgia Roots - Blog Updates!:-)

* History Time Stamp: Rev. James M. Dickey 1859 -
* Chasing The Slave Owner -
At 9:39am on July 21, 2009, Rhonda A Reid said…
Thanks for your help.......................................
At 7:05am on July 21, 2009, Luckie Daniels said…
It's Tombstone Tuesday at Our Georgia Roots & Our Alabama Roots folks! I'm shaking trees, digging-up roots & challenging myself and others to be better!
At 3:40pm on July 20, 2009, Rhonda A Reid said…
It has been extremely exciting finding the different documents with my ancestors name on it. I was telling my sister that I got so excited when found my Samson Reed's Freedmans Bank records I forgot how I located it. I did not think I would ever find his parents because he was not from Edisto Island. He was originally from Georgetown South Carolina and I found this information from his oldest son's death certificate.

My all time best experience was when I found Samson Reed and Joseph Jenkins military records. And just knowing that their names are listed on the Civil War Memorial in Washington has made my year.

I recently found out that Samson Reed testified for the Defense in the Court Martial of Sgt William Walker. I received an appliation from the NARA to request a copy of the transcript for the trial.


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