I found a bunch of comon realatives on there but there was one on there My family has been searching for forever and had no information at all on. Israel Himes is the one and we had information that he was killed in a civil war prison either in Georgia or sourh Eastern Tennessee. we searched in Andersonville GA, Savannah, Atlanta, Chatanooga and last attempt was at the civil war forts in Knoxville. we didn't have a date of death or location for him so that may well fill in those gaps for us. I believe my aunt or father has his birthdate but we never could find anything on his death such as the date or location of his grave and such.
could you ask and see where the death information came from and i'll see if i can get the birth information and location and all and pass that along so your father can fill that in on his site as well. This is great!
there are a bunch of Schick family members in the Rimersburg area of Pennsylvania they are in the Clarion County area of PA which is the western and middle PA area. hope this helps you a little on your sesarch of that long list of names you are looking for. there is also a ton of Himes' in that area as well. That is where most of my family originates from though most of them have all scattered to Ohio, Hawaii, Tennessee, and Florida. there are thousands of Himes family members in the Nashville, columbia, and springfield Tennessee area which is near me. I am in Portland TN and i am trying right now to piece together how those Himes families tie in to my own. I have been told all my life the Himes' stared from two brothers that used to ferry people from Germany, Holland and England to the United states. both brothers settled in the central PA area one of the brothers took his family and moved to Ohio then to Kentucky and the information on them gets sketchy at best after that according to my families records. that's pretty much all i have at this point but my aunt Carole Himes Mcglauglin is the one heading up our family research and she lives in Youngstown Ohio she would be the one with some of the answers to the questions you might have regarding the Himes family name.
Excellent website you have. I am jealous... Please provide info on how I could do that with ONE of my Small lines like Sorley that would be an experiment.
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could you ask and see where the death information came from and i'll see if i can get the birth information and location and all and pass that along so your father can fill that in on his site as well. This is great!
hope this helps you out some with your searches.