Genealogy Wise

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Mavis Jones
  • Female
  • Charlotte, NC
  • United States
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Mavis Jones's Friends

  • Clyde Vanderhorst
  • Terri Buster
  • Dawnna
  • Gallery Group Gems
  • The Williams Family Tree
  • Andie Mack
  • Carole Elizabeth Bentley-Bell
  • Denise Dawkins
  • Stephanie Abrams
  • Nicholas Demetri Ifill
  • Deb Irwin
  • Toni Feeney
  • Khathu
  • Farrel Webb
  • Stella Robinson Morris

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Jones, Everett, Ewell in Martin and Pitt counties in North Carolina.

Pierce, Hosch, Henry/Henyard, White, Rome and Stoval in Greene, Walton, Jackson, Gwinnett, and Occonee counties in Georgia
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Georgia and North Carolina
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?
My other genealogigy blog is

Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 5:01pm on July 25, 2010, Bill Drayton said…
Mavis, do you have any connection with the Draytons of South Carolina? Because if you do, then I've just set up the group - The Draytons and the Grimkes - on this site. Would you like to join? All the best, Bill Drayton.
At 11:26am on September 15, 2009, The Williams Family Tree said…
At 9:13am on August 6, 2009, Denise Dawkins said…
Finally, Im here
At 10:16pm on July 15, 2009, CHASTITY said…
I would love to stay in contact with you, Mavis. I don't know if there is something to make of this, but my g-grandmother lived in CA at one point in time. Her name was Carroll Margaret Cooper-Jones(Elton Jones). From the story my grandmother told me of her dad(Elton) he was wealthy and had a home around the corner from Michael Jackson, and Disney Land. His moms name was Hattie Jones!
At 9:50pm on July 15, 2009, CHASTITY said…
WOW! Mavis, ok, what part of TX are your Jones'? Mine are in a country town called Milford, TX!
At 9:26pm on July 15, 2009, Diane Mason Gray said…
Have you read My Great, Great, Grandfather's Jouney to an Island of Freedom by Col. Lafayette Jones, Jr.? It's ISBN 978-0-615-22337. It's about the Jones family of Williamsburg, VA. Jones says, "The purpose of the book was to provide new information on a great "story" related to my family and the free black settlement at Hot Water. Most of the information is based on local and state records, interviews, and articles written by renowned historians." This "might" be some of your family! Whether it is or not, it is informative and educational in an easy-to-read format. My only complaint is some poor punctuation, capitalization, etc. Just thought I'd mention it to you. It states the publishing company is Jenlaf Publishing, 102 Flintlock Rd., Williamsburg, VA 23185 PH: 757-565-2724. You might enjoy chatting with Col. Jones. He's a tall, dark, and handsome man. I met him at a genealogy conference in Hampton, VA.
At 9:15pm on July 15, 2009, Diane Mason Gray said…
Send the results to, and I'll compare them. Which company did the DNA test that gave you I1a? Can't wait to hear from you at my regular email address.
At 1:48pm on July 14, 2009, Diane Mason Gray said…
My maternal grandfather's line is I1a. We didn't necessarily have any "close" relatives in GA, but I know some of the family surname shows up in the deep South. They were originally Virginians. Send me your DNA results, and I'll compare them with my family's. My email is
At 7:47pm on July 10, 2009, CHASTITY said…
I have Jones' in my family Mavis. This was both my grandmother and great-grandmothers' maiden name


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