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Michelle McGee
  • Female
  • Valley, AL
  • United States
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  • Amy Lynn Marchenonis

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What surnames are you interested in researching?
Burke: Rooney, O'Brien.
Schade:Techner, Grutza or Grutze,Warwas
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Ireland, Scotland and Great Britain
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Beginning Family History Researcher

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At 7:41pm on September 12, 2011, Maureen Rosenfeld said…

What we know is that Mary had cousins.  Sally married John Robinson in 1905 in Philadelphia.  She was born in Pennsylvania and I assume Philadelphia.  Sally had an older sister named Mary who lived with them in Germantown.  But when Sally died, my grandparents inherited the house.  Mary was born in New Jersey

There was also an Eddie Burke.  My father says he was related to cousin Sally.  So I think Mary and Sally had a brother who had at least one child. 

There is also a Margaret Burke who married Vince McLaughlin in Philadelphia in 1938.  They lived on Lena Street in Germantown.  But we don't know how she is related. 

At 7:53pm on August 22, 2011, Maureen Rosenfeld said…

Hi.  My great grandmother was a Burke.  All I know about her is she and Michael Lawlor got married in Philadelphia in 1898.  She was born around 1872 in Ireland. 


All I know about Michael Lawlor is he married Mary Burke.  And he was born in Ireland around 1870.   The first time they are on the census is 1920 and she had already died. He is not on the census in 1930 but his single daughter is living with my grandmother's family.  His son is not in the 1930 census either.  But we know the son is alive and are pretty sure the father is not.









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