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Nancy House Barron
  • Female
  • Osprey, FL
  • United States
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Nancy House Barron's Friends

  • Debra
  • John (Jack) House
  • sue sheets
  • Scott J House
  • Maria Camacho
  • Louis Leroy House, III
  • Ralph House
  • Fern Harris
  • Donny House
  • Raymond Fuller
  • Earl Dewayne House
  • Rexene Welch Pennell
  • LaVerna LEDBETTER Williams
  • Ron White

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At 3:05pm on March 12, 2013, John (Jack) House said…

Thank you for inviting me.  I'm sure I will find things I never thought I could find.  

Thanks again

At 7:16pm on July 28, 2011, Scott J House said…
Thank you for the response. It is cool to meet a distant cousin in such a way!   I appreciate all the work you have done regarding the House line.  My cousin gave me a family tree a few years ago when my uncle Sam passed, and was able to trace my line with that.  Uncle Sam was buried in the House cemetary out in Pollard in Jessamine County, as was my father, David, who passed in May 2010.  I can tell you that two of my dads brothers, Hansel and Lewis, are buried at Camp Nelson National Cemetary here in Jessamine County.  Lewis was killed in action in WW2.  Hansel was a member of the National Guard.  These were all sons of Clifton House.  There is one surviving offspring of Clifton, and that is Roy House.  He lives in Ohio, near Dayton.  When he came in for my dads funeral, he told me he had quite a bit of info on the House family.  I hope to be able to get some of that info from him.  Cheers!
At 2:20pm on May 10, 2010, Maria Camacho said…
I'm researching my Colombian family but all the surnames are Spanish, like: Camacho, Mogollon, Arango from Santander in Colombia.
At 3:37pm on September 3, 2009, Rexene Welch Pennell said…
I would like to see the connections we have.
At 9:54am on September 2, 2009, Rexene Welch Pennell said…
I'm finally getting your answer posted.
My line is: Mathias House, Adam House, Jacob House, Francis Marion House,
Malinda Ellen House Welch, Rex Sterling Welch, and me, Rexene Welch Pennell.
Nancy has posted some history on my grandparents Riley and "Ellie" House Welch.
We still have a Welch reunion. Years ago, there was the Welch-House Reunion because the two House sisters married the two Welch brothers, Riley and Charlie.
At 11:55am on September 1, 2009, Dolores Warren said…
Matthias, Adam, Jacob, Hollingsworth, Peggy House. This is my grandmother's side of my Dad's family.
At 5:37pm on August 26, 2009, Ron White said…
Hello Nancy,
Sorry it took so long to reply. My grandmother, Nora Ethel Bussell White's mother was Louisa Ellen House Bussell. Louisa Ellen's father was Jacob House Jr. I have some information on that branch but am still not sure if it is correct yet. I do hope that with all the information that is being shared here on this site that I might get the answers that I need. Thanks for asking, Ron.
At 9:34pm on August 16, 2009, Alpha J. Bourn said…
I am researching the Bourn(e) familys and other related familys--I think the Bourn(e)s where friends and neighbors in Jassamine Co. Ky. Do you have any Bourns in your line---A. J. Bourn
At 7:57am on August 14, 2009, LaVerna LEDBETTER Williams said…
Yes, I have been a memeber on HOUSE myfamily for several years now....I think it was Fern the joined me.


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