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Paul Caverly
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  • Ontario
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  • Chris Halliday
  • Brenda Wheeler, PLCGS
  • Angela McGhie

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Paul Caverly posted a status
"Looking at possible info by genealogists regarding funerals/burials during covid."
May 20, 2022
Paul Caverly commented on Cheryl Levy PLCGS's blog post Announcing our DNA & Genetic Genealogy Certificate
"I will try out one of the DNA courses."
Dec 9, 2021
Paul Caverly posted a status
"I keep adding new courses, some good some not. I am considering the new DNA & Genetics courses."
Dec 9, 2021
Paul Caverly posted a status
"I enjoy reading about all the new certificates members have earned."
Dec 9, 2021
Paul Caverly posted a status
"YOUR DNA GUIDE THE BOOK, by Diahan Southard, 2020, can be complex."
Jul 14, 2021
Paul Caverly posted a status
"Sooner or later you might max out on your research. DNA matching continues with new matches. I read many genealogy articles daily."
Jul 14, 2021
Paul Caverly posted a status
"I am thinking of selling some of my genealogy books I have not looked at in years. Any comments?"
Oct 15, 2020
Paul Caverly posted a status
"I just found a local health lab (Ontario) advertising genetic DNA testing. Cost up to $5000."
May 10, 2019

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Caverly, Caverley, McInnes, MacGilvray, Henry, DeForest, Brown/Braun, Stutt
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Canada, USA, Ireland, UK, Germany
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

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At 2:20pm on April 5, 2014, Maureen Weber said…

I saw your comments to Sarah Braun on Ancestry and have to ask you if your wife remembers what Braun family branch settled in Kitchener, Ontario Canada.  My grandmother, Caroline Braun may be a relative of hers.  She was one of 7 children of Michael Braun and Margaretha Hildebrandt.  Her siblings were Valentine, Jacob, Michael, Charles, Margaret and Catherine.  Caroline was married to Philip Lobsinger and they settled in Mildmay.  She was baptized in St. Paul's Luthern Church in Neustadt.  She converted to Catholicism after marriage and her family "disowned her" afterwards.  I'm looking for more information on this family.  Could you please help me or refer me to someone that can?  I sincerely appreciate any help you can give me.  Maureen Weber

At 3:09pm on August 3, 2012, Debbie Kennett said…

I haven't yet had a chance to read the new Sykes book as it's not yet been published in the UK. I've referred to the Wikipedia article you mentioned before and I was also surprised at the large amount of German ancestry. Perhaps we're not so much aware of it as we only have contacts with Americans who are researching their British ancestry.  I understand the chromosome paintings used by Sykes were provided by 23andMe. They are supposed to be refining their admixture analyses to make them a little more detailed, though I'm not sure when the change will take place.

At 9:50pm on November 19, 2011, Sandee Bennett said…

Hi Paul: 


I think we have communicated a long time ago.  After about 12-15 years I am still searching for the connection of my mom's family Isaac Deforest born 1801 in Nova Scotia.  I have so much information on the DeForest I sometimes think somewhere is the clue.  He shows up with his family in CT in 1840 before he is in Rochester in 1850.  I have tried every angle.  I thought for the longest time that he might be a loyalist.  I have found names of Deforest loyalist however I cannot make the connection of them to Isaac.   I hope to go to the New England Genealogical Historical Society in Boston as they have Nova Scotia records.    This summer I did go to Long Island and I saw the old church and grave site across the street.  I would have to look on a map, I think it was Huntington.  Well were ever it was there was a Deforest trace 


At 9:59am on April 13, 2011, Chris Halliday said…
Thanks for the kind words Paul. The PgDip is Postgraduate Diploma in Genealogy and PgCert is the Postgraduate Certificate.One can progress each year onto the next level if successful.I am now studying for the MSc in Genealogy,and this should hopefully be an end to my formal studies.I am currently designing a web site which I hope will be ready when I turn full time professional about July.I would certainly be willing to explore your Scottish connections. 
At 9:47pm on August 27, 2009, Sherry Hightower said…
There is a MacGilvary (McGillivray) in the Weatherford line. See Generation 7, child #15
At 9:43pm on August 27, 2009, Sherry Hightower said…

At 3:08am on August 26, 2009, Janet Peacock said…
I haven't traced back to any Irish Stutt ancestors as yet, Paul.
So far, mine are in the East Riding of Yorkshire (back to 17th C, but with a Robert Stut being Mayor of Hull in the 14thC). I know there were a lot of Stutts in the Bristol area ---- no links to mine as yet either. There is a John Hamilton Stutt(1924-2008) from Paisley who designed golf courses, but I don't know where he fits in, if at all.


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