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Phyllis Parker-Robinette
  • Female
  • Grain Valley, MO
  • United States
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Phyllis Parker-Robinette's Discussions

Parker family websites?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Phyllis Parker-Robinette Apr 13, 2010. 3 Replies

If you know of any Parker family websites, please let me know, thanks.

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Paternal surnames: Acuff, Arnold, Barnes, Briggs, Campbell, Carter, Caudell, Chastain, Coates, Coatney, Collins, Cox, Dillon, Dryer, Dyer, Eblen, Gaither, Gallaher, Gray, Gutridge, Hammer, Haynes, Holder, Hopkins, Hoppers, Hudson, Jones, Kee, LaRose, Lindsey, Mallory, Mathews/Mathis, Parker, Southard,

Maternal Surnames: Allison, Armentrout, Armstrong, Bartsche, Beard, Bentch, Bobo, Bond, Borroughs, Bradley, Bray, Bunch, Cape, Clunk, Coffey, Colton, Crawford, Creach, Curnutt, Davis, Diaz, Dell, Donnell, Dowell, Doyle, Eads, Edwards, Eggers, Eidson, Enderle, Foster, Francis, Gosnell, Graves, Gregory, Green, Hale, Hart, Hicks, Hinton, Holt, Howard, Huffman, Humphries, Hunt, Hutchins, Isbell, Jackson, Jameson, Johnson, Jones,
Kincaid, McAllister, McMurry, Moore, Moulder, Nelson, Osborn, Palmer, Park, Parks, Phillips, Pippen, Quigel, Russell, Stark, Waisner, Werremeyer,

Husbands Maternal line: Barker, Butler, Butts, Davis, Drysdale, Gubbs, Nettles, Stovall,

My children: Fillenger, Fleetwood, Gholson, Martin, Milner, Moran, Staggs, Winder.
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany and the United States.
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Beginning Family History Researcher

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At 9:09pm on November 16, 2013, Russell Lynn Drysdale said…


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