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Ray Rodriguez
  • Male
  • Strongsville, OH
  • United States
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  • Ruth

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Rodriguez, Burgos, Bernal, Colon, Deche, Decheth, Renta, Rentas
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Puerto Rico, USA
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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At 5:03am on August 17, 2009, Ruth said…
Hi Ray,
I think that is great what you and your wife are doing.
My mom had related to me what you had said, about more than one body being buried in the same tomb.
I couldn't visualize having a body (bones) taken out of a casket and being placed in a bag. We have two tombs like that. One paternal and one maternal. I didn't know that the casket was destroyed. I remembered seeing the tombs quite high. I had ask my mom why is it so high and she said that its because there are a few bodies buried there.
I can see why one would choose the old cemetary verses the new one.
No, I don't see that happening in the states either.
At 9:09pm on August 12, 2009, Ruth said…
Hi Ray,
I was just visiting the group: Sociedad Puertorriqueña de Genealogía and saw your post about the Burial Records in Juana Diaz, PR.
That's great that you are able to do that. That is a huge amount of work. I wish someone would do it for Isabela, Aguadilla and Rincon, but I guess I'm dreaming.
How do you manage to visit the cemetery? I went to the one in Jobos the last time I was there and I and my family thought we were going to past out from the heat and sun. It's unbelievable how hot the cemeteries are in PR.


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