Genealogy Wise

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Richie C.
  • Male
  • Chelsea, MA
  • United States
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  • Kimberly Ruedemann
  • Amy Lynn Marchenonis
  • carolyn travers
  • Nina Jankauskas
  • Heather
  • Jessica Chester
  • Burkewitz Svetlana
  • Heather Marie Vincent-Smith
  • Virginia Siskavich
  • Irena C
  • Shawn Borg
  • Don Burns
  • Chris Cowan
  • Jim Zuis

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LaRose Seltzer commented on Richie C.'s group Oliphant (Olyphant, Olivant, Olifant, etc.)
"I am related by DNA to Thomas Oliphant West II (1718-1808) 8-3,476 cm  I realize that the surname is West but I figured the "Oliphant" is a family name. I know that William Nelson West is my 4th great-grandfather. I am trying to…"
Jul 18, 2021
LaRose Seltzer joined Richie C.'s group

Oliphant (Olyphant, Olivant, Olifant, etc.)

Explore the Oliphants from 800 AD to the present and discover your ancestral past.
Jul 18, 2021
Lorie J Joos joined Richie C.'s group

Genealogy of Lithuania

A kind of 'digital library' and 'strategy center' for those tracing ancestries in and from present-day Lithuania. I've created Discussion forums based on geographies, as this is the only part of GW where you can reply to each other!  Here's a quick jump to all the discussion forums, otherwise, scroll through all the resources until you get to them.See More
Jul 7, 2021
Rayner Barta joined Richie C.'s group

Genealogy of Lithuania

A kind of 'digital library' and 'strategy center' for those tracing ancestries in and from present-day Lithuania. I've created Discussion forums based on geographies, as this is the only part of GW where you can reply to each other!  Here's a quick jump to all the discussion forums, otherwise, scroll through all the resources until you get to them.See More
Sep 16, 2020

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What surnames are you interested in researching?
Acland, Avery, Beaple, Berent, Boyle, Burns, Conibear, Davis, Delaney, Draper, Gill, Gould, Gribble, Hammond, Handford, Iden, Jakutis, Jakutavičius, Kančius/Končius, Kastanavičius , Leszczynski, Moggridge, Morgan, Mowle, Oliphant, Parkin, Pokrop/Pukrop, Praunce, Roberts, Romanauskas, Runnals, Sakatauskas, Sandoe, Shannon, Simanavičius, Slee, Snyder, Somer, Truckenmiller, Wattes, Wiat, Zupka
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Lithuania, Poland, Germany
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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At 8:19pm on March 24, 2016, Christine Daina Pavilanis said…

I am new to the site. I have seen your photos but have not seen any comments on them. The family photo was not necessarily taken for a special occasion so that there is no particular significance rather just a family photo. These pictures were taken of farm as well as city families. I am the archivist and education co-ordinator for the Lithuanian Folk Art Institute. Unfortunately, they are not dressed in any regional style but rather the typical turn of the century dress. There is not enough detail to identify any further.  As for the young lady in front of the fence. She is standing in front of a burial plot.  It is customary in Lithuania to decorate the grave sites and to delineate each plot by a small fence or wall.  She is wearing an overcoat.

At 5:44pm on August 22, 2014, Helen Pratt said…

I am registered on your site. I just have not been very active.

Keep up a great site


At 11:06pm on December 20, 2011, Jim Avery said…

Hi - Which Averys are you researching? Mine are in Northern PA as early as 1784 but can't figure out where they were before then. I am sure of my grgrgrandfather Jacob Avery. We think his parents were William and Elizabeth Avery. This William died in 1834 and Jacob is listed in the probate papers so may be his son. Just wondering. Happy Holidays! Jim Avery, Dover PA

At 11:44am on March 2, 2011, carolyn travers said…
I should tell you, I guess, a bit about this family that I am researching.  People always tell me that Melsbach is not a Lithuanian name.  True!  They were from Altweid and Irlich Germany and about 1750, they answered a call to go to Ostpruessa to 're-populate' an area that had been hit by the plague.  They lived there for over 100 years and may have changed their names slightly to Melsbakas - - at least I've seen that name in the Zebra.  About 1860, Mekie Melsbach had a son, Joseph George.  In 1872, there was another son born in Lithuania, William Joseph.  About 1888 - 89, Joseph left and came to Meriden Connecticut.  A year or so later, his wife, Elizabeth Broziene, and thier daughter, Mary Margaret, came to Connecticut also.  About 1895, his brother, William came and married Annie Zemaitis in Meriden.  Elizabeth's 3 brothers and maybe a sister also came but they changed their names completely.  We have these 2 photos of the Anskaitiene family in the old photo album, but we don't know yet how they 'fit'.  Probably sister, mother or grandmother of either Joseph or Elizabeth as the photo was in their album.  I, like everyone else, am trying to find where in Lithuania the family lived.  I know the men did blacksmith work here after they came and that Anna's father was a blacksmith in Lithuania.  Not much to go on, huh?
At 11:35am on March 2, 2011, carolyn travers said…
These 2 photos are my only clues actually from Lithuania.  I was hoping that the dress of the women might give an indication of the region that they are from.  Ona's dress is particularly interesting as she has a stripped blouse and a dark damask apron and dark flowered head piece.  I hoped they might provide a clue.  They don't seem like farm women to me in this photo.  Also she is holding a white envelope of some sort right in front on her lap.  It would almost seem like this had an importance or significance to have such a family photo made and I wondered if anyone might guess as to why such a photo was taken.  ??  In the photo of the girl in the dark heavy dress with the white scarf, it strikes me that she is standing in front of a fence but otherwise it looks like she in almost in a wide open field.  The land is quite flat and open behind her as though she is really out in the country side.  The fence seems too low or not sturdy enough to hold in livestock, however.  Is such countryside typical in Lithuania or in a certain region in Lithuania?  Her dress is quite different from the 5 women in the other photo.  Does her dress style indicate a specific region?  Would a farm woman dress this way?
At 8:08pm on November 18, 2010, Nina Jankauskas said…
Success! I found my g-grandfather and g-grandmother in the 1900 Census for Somerville, MA. They were incorrectly listed as Tinton and Tintorn - looks as though the auditor was writing in script and the person transcribing the form mis-named them! However, this has now brought on more questions as their marriage date is different from what i have as are their birth dates. I guess it's back to Lithuania to validate that info.

by the way - i am able to both read and speak lithuanian if there's ever anything that I can do for anyone in this group.
At 8:52am on November 18, 2010, Nina Jankauskas said…
I hope you're ready for this one :-) I have a lot of information:
ggrandfather - Jonas Gintautas was born in Rokiskis, Abeliu Km., Lithuania in 1874. He married Viktorija Petrulyte in Pandėlys, Rokiškio raj., Lithuania in 1898. They would have come to the US between 1898 and 1900 because my grandfather, John [Jonas] Gintoff [Gintautas] was born in 6/30/1900 in Somverville, MA, along with his two siblings - Emilija [Amelia] Gintoff [Gintautas] 1902 or 1904 depending on which document you're looking at, and Povilas Gintoff [Gintautas] who was born in 1905 in Somverville according to my families history, but there is no birth record of a Povilas Gintoff [Gintautas] in Somverville. There is a Joseph Gintoff who, according to the MA Archives, was born to my ggranfather and ggmother. Not sure yet if Povilas and Joseph are the same person or if Joseph was another child who did not survive. My ggrandfather died in 1924 in Rokiskis, Abeliu Km., Lithuania of a heart attack. I have a letter from a great aunt describing the incident. Therefore, the family would have had to have moved back to Lithuania before 1924.

One new anomolie that I just found when I requested a few birth records from the MA archives is that the maiden name of my ggrandmother on my grandfathers' and his sister's birth records is not Petrulis, instead it is Berteroniz, while the maiden name on Joseph Gintoff's [the yet to be determined sibling] is closer to her real maiden name Petronis.

My main goal right now is to figure out when my ggrandfather and ggrandmother arrived in the US and when they returned to Lietuva.

I have checked all of the available resources for immigrants into the US through eastern ports, starting from 1885 through 1900, but I can't find a clue.
At 8:13pm on November 17, 2010, Nina Jankauskas said…
Thanks - happy to be here. Both my parents were born in Lithuania so I'm finding it difficult doing research here in the states. I do have a great grandfather who came to the states where he and his wife bore 3 children, and then went back to Lithuania. I have found my grandfathers' birth certificate, however there is absolutely no other record of his family being in the US - they're not listed on any of the census' [1900, 1910, 1920 or 1930], no immigration records. I'm at my wits end on how to continue - not sure if anyone can help with any ideas.
At 8:06pm on September 2, 2010, J Oakes said…
The name was listed in the manifest as Trakimavicuite. 

She immigrated in November 1924 and was married around 1926/1927 with first KNOWN child born in Connecticut in 1927. Not certain if she ever made it to Pennsylvania. 
At 8:05pm on September 2, 2010, J Oakes said…
The name was listed in the manifest as Trakimavicuite. 

She immigrated in November 1924 and was married around 1926/1927 with first KNOWN child born in Connecticut in 1927. Not certain if she ever made it to Pennsylvania. 


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