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Robert C. Johnston, Jr.
  • Male
  • Wetumpka, AL
  • United States
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Robert C. Johnston, Jr.'s Friends

  • James Arendale White Jr.
  • Margaretann
  • Carol Carwile Head
  • Cindy Johnston Sorley
  • Lyn Swan

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Leanna Hewitt Holmes left a comment for Robert C. Johnston, Jr.
"I have some photos that I believe are the same line as the ones you have. Someone shared them on Ancestry. I would love to connect with you to see if you could identify any of the other photos that I have. The ones I saw were Mahala S. Goss Grimes…"
Feb 6, 2023

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Oliver, Newman, McCollum, White, Goss, Phillips, Cornelius, Carlisle, Hooper, Johnston, Wilson, Eddy, Francis, Hamlet, Williamson, Heard, Germany, White, Shelton, Allen, Williamson.
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Virginia
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Member of Sons of American Revolution

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At 5:34am on February 6, 2023, Leanna Hewitt Holmes said…

I have some photos that I believe are the same line as the ones you have. Someone shared them on Ancestry. I would love to connect with you to see if you could identify any of the other photos that I have. The ones I saw were Mahala S. Goss Grimes and the other were three of her daughters. I also have originals of these photos. 

At 3:20pm on September 29, 2009, marie johnston said…
hi my Johnston family are from county durham england and my grandfather lived at witton gilbert. He was born in the early 1900's.His name was Joseph. My great grandfather lived in Penshaw, Co. Durham perhaps we're related
At 8:02am on August 16, 2009, Ron White said…
Hello Robert,
Thank you for the information... The years are close and the names as well.. Do you have any more you could share on Nancy's family.. My family all comes from Tenn. and Ky. (That we know of) The years are of the mid to late 1700 that we lost them. We are pretty sure that Nancy was the mother to our Thomas Jefferson White. We do not know who the father was.. Any more information would be great.. Thank you again.. Ron
At 1:18pm on July 14, 2009, P.J.Sirmans said…

What is your process for discovering American Revolutionary War Patriots from Georgia who aided and/or assisted in the war effort and were not necessarily soldiers?
At 8:43pm on July 9, 2009, Cindy Johnston Sorley said…
Welcome Robert. This is a great site and I have to put on the welcome hat to anyone with my maiden name. I also went to college in Missisippi on the Alabama border...


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