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Robert Crabtree
  • Male
  • Evansville, IN
  • United States
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  • Sharon Dominix

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USA, England, Germany
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Beginning Family History Researcher

Robert Crabtree's Blog

Genealogy and Me

Posted on September 14, 2009 at 1:28pm 0 Comments

I was sitting at my computor one night when a commercial came on TV for I thought to myself, here I am in my mid 60's and I don't even know the name of my great grandfather. Most of my family had passed away or I had lost contact with them. At first I didn't want to spend any money to find things but finally joined I now have about 14,000 people in my tree and finding more every day. I have joined another tree that has over 4000 CRABTREEs in it and thousands of other… Continue

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At 9:24pm on November 20, 2009, CHASTITY said…
So, aren't we happy michael Crabtree signed that contract? lol.
At 10:26am on September 14, 2009, CHASTITY said…
Yeah, Michael Crabtree is great! Very talented kid. And hey, I wanted to say don't think just because you're not a black Crabtree, you are not related...I just found info on the White(German) side of my family this weekend!
At 4:57pm on September 6, 2009, CHASTITY said…
Thank you Bob. I just gave birth to my first-born child, and he so hapens to be a boy! I think his heart belongs to Anyhow, thanks for posting your thoughts on my blog post.
At 2:53pm on July 17, 2009, Donna Holland said…
thats him. i have all that just no parents. thanks for answering me. if you ever run across infor in maryland from 1817 to 1844 would like to hear from you
At 10:24am on July 17, 2009, Sherry L Marshall said…
The comments they are talking about is that they joined the site.
At 12:00pm on July 16, 2009, Sharon Dominix said…
My great great grandfather was born in usa in 1811 his name was henry ford .he lived in wolfville kings county,nova scotia.was married to a henrietta she was from canada. henry died 1877.
At 6:28pm on July 15, 2009, CHASTITY said…
Yeah, Michael Crabtree from TTECH isthe one I was referring to. He is the cousin of my neices and nephew. Anyhow, I would love to be friends with you, too...Good luck in your search.
At 5:28pm on July 15, 2009, CHASTITY said…
Oh, hi, and welcome to!
At 5:28pm on July 15, 2009, CHASTITY said…
My nieces ad nephews are Crabtrees and that's a very uncommon last name. Their cousin is an NBA draft pick for this season, Michael Crabtree!


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