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Rosemary Miles
  • Female
  • Perth Western Australia
  • Australia
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  • Diane Hooper Angello
  • Janelle Bramble
  • Basit
  • Jessie Campbell
  • Betty Snow
  • Denise Marr

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Scotland, England,Canada
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Intermediate Family History Researcher
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At 9:18am on July 23, 2010, Mary F. Hentschel said…
Rosemary, I appreciate you going the mile and checking out the marriage, and it makes sense you would want to see it to gleam any other info. from it. With the comments you have given I can look over the information and decide a plan of action. Kind regards, Mary
At 10:27pm on July 22, 2010, Mary F. Hentschel said…
Rosemary, thank you for what you sent me, & I will read it more thoroughly. I do have the marriage record for Margaret Middlemass Paterson and James Kerr:
25 August 1873, the Manse Kilwinning, James is 22, joiner, usual residence is difficult to read. This record obtained from Scotlands people on line website, 07 Dec. 2007
I am trying to locate a living descendant from this family.
At 2:08pm on July 22, 2010, Mary F. Hentschel said…
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond and to check for my "needle in the haystack" I do not subscribe to Ancestry at this time. Regarding children listed in the later years, would it be possible for you to send me the census year and their names? I do know this, James & Margaret had a daughter Elizabeth King Kerr, dob 1874. According to Civil Records Index for Ireland, an Elizabeth King Kerr died 1887 age 13, in Dublin South. It does not state parents names however, I think this could be their child.
At 2:22pm on June 9, 2010, Diane Hooper Angello said…
Did you get my message through TribalPages?


At 7:02pm on March 7, 2010, Geniaus said…
Please join over 230 Australian genealogists at The Australian Genealogists Group on Genealogy Wise
At 8:17pm on February 7, 2010, Rosemary Miles said…
Thank you Betty. I may take you up on the offer sometime! My main interest is in the Lawries of Chirnside. I had a wonderful time wandering through old cemeteries in the vicinity last year but, even with the help of Scotlandspeople, have had trouble going any further back than my GGGG Grandfather, James Lawrie who was born about 1750. He married in Chirnside and his 6 children were all born there so I assume he probably was also.
At 1:18pm on February 7, 2010, Betty Snow said…
Hi Rosemary, I saw your posts about Home family, although I'm not related I have done quite a lot of research on several branches. I live in Berwickshire so if I can help in some way ask. The Hume came about with David Hume of Ninewells , Chirnside who was the philosopher. The Home's of Home castle and then the Hirsel, Coldstream used Home pronounced hume.
At 6:40am on January 30, 2010, Rosemary Miles said…
You're right William. The sign says "Hume". But Hume/Home is one clan or family.
At 6:36am on January 30, 2010, Rosemary Miles said…
Well some instances it's called Home but pronounce it Hume whilst other times they use "Hume". (I'll have to look at my photos to see what the sign at the castle called it!) It was definitely the one in the Borders not Lanarkshire.
At 5:27am on January 30, 2010, William Douglas said…
Home Castle? I think this is known as Hume castle I wonder if that is the one you went to?

Or was it Douglas Castle, on the Douglas-Home Castlemains estate in Lanarkshire, which is in the news right now?

If there is a Home or Hume group on this website, I have been unable to find it, and it might be good to start one. The earl of Home is also Baron Douglas, hence my interest!


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