Genealogy Wise

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Vic Cowling
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  • United Kingdom
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What surnames are you interested in researching?
Cowling Doidge Saunders Greening Hayman
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
UK, Canada, U S A,
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

Comment Wall (2 comments)

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At 3:37am on July 18, 2014, William R Doidge said…

Hi Vic!  I ammended a post yesterday for you - not much, but it covered tne Royal Stud and the late HM Queen Mother.  Gran was quite funny with the late Sir Barney Mullins (Ireland).  Old Barney was an Irish Wing-Three-Quarter and a great Clay shot. 

When he got his knighthood,  I said that he was introduced in a Banquet in Ireland as a Farmer?  Barney said I'm more of a Cattle Rustler.  She said good, we don't seem to have one of those, so lets go ahead???

His favourite gaff was on Shergar when he said publicly the grass was greener on the other side of the fence?  He was eventually found next door?

But her comment upon the Aga Khan and the Ranier's (Monaco) was of world standing.  My elder daughter Florence owns the Royal Stud.   They sent me an email which said they had passed it, but I cannot find it today?  Maybe the server takes time to up-load it?  Whatever, there seems to be no manner in which to enquire of them?

Whatever best of wishes and hope to see you soon.  Be in Brentor before long.  Not many of them left?

William (Bill) Doidge.


At 12:10pm on March 12, 2013, William R Doidge said…

Have just entered a large one in the Blog.





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