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"A Buck's head, decorated with flowers, fixed to a pole" (Marriage in the Newspapers from 1786)

Broadly I find two catagories of marriage entries in newspapers -
The normal Mr.X son of Y married Miss Z daughter of .... at .... on so and so date.

And then we have the more uplifting one's. For example this came from one of my recent transcriptions of the Salisbury and Winchester Journal, 1786.

"A few days since was married at Compton, near Shaftesbury, John Jeanes, aged 83, to Elizabeth Fisher, alias Rideout, alias Thrifty, a brisk young widow of 25. They were preceded from the church door to their own house by a buck's head, decorated with flowers, fixed to a pole, and followed by a band of music, and upwards of 200 people."

What a riot ! Its certainly a wedding I'd like to have seen.

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