Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Today we were able to watch a segment on Faces of America. The hope to encourage people to learn more about whom they are and whom in their back ground helped to make them whom they are.

It was great with the diversity of the people interviewed and researched, to learn that there was even an interconnect between two of them. No I will not tell the whom's.

Then in the blog by Thomas Kemp there was a great start of how to start your Genealogy. It was labeled (Genealogy Boot Camp). What a unique way to present the start. It is so simple and non complex. It can relate to everyone. No big records needed, no files, just that stuff in your family home.

I won't say more here but it sure seems the ideal way to start with out expense. Also the development of sharing family knowledge just flows into the system.

I know I learned years ago that if dealing with us who are getting older or have become older it normally takes an event to jog the brain of a times gone past to share with others. Not everything but once older people get to talking that normally brings more memories to share at another time.

Ideally, it would be great to leave a recorder with them to jog their thoughts down for you to review and go over with them later and they will be able to expand on what they originally spoke of. This works for all of us.

Interestingly enough The National Park series also has more genealogical data in their presentation that follows Faces of America.

Any one notice the cartoons that are mentioning Genealogy this last week?

Are our societies ready to take on the potential new members and activities that may come from this influx of programs and research?

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