Genealogy Wise

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Family Tree Connection - Update (14/Feb/2010)

Family Tree Connection

Family Tree Connection has added the following genealogy items to its database:

Oak Park Woman's Society 1919-1920 Calendar - The Woman's Society of the Second Presbyterian Church, Oak Park, Ill, 1919-1920. Washington Blvd. and Ridgeland Ave.

Louisville University Dentistry School 1931 Graduation - University of Louisville, School of Dentistry, Annual Commencement Exercises, Thursday evening, June fourth, 1931, Memorial Auditorium, Fourth and Kentucky, Louisville, Ky.

Tressler Orphans' Home 1910 Report - 43 Annual Report of Tressler Orphans' Home, Loysville, Pennsylvania, Nineteen Hundred and Ten.

Williamsport High School 1920 Commencement - Forty-Ninth Annual Commencement of the Williamsport High School, High School Auditorium, on Friday Evening, June 4, 1920, at Eight O'clock.

Norristown High School 1892 Commencement - Norristown High School, Thirtieth Annual Commencement, Operan House, Friday, July 1, 1892, at 2 P. M., Norristown, Pa.

Norristown High School 1891 Commencement - Norristown High School, 29th Annual Commencement, Music Hall, Monday, June 29, 1891, at 2 P. M., Norristown, Pa.

Centreville School 1897-98 Souvenir - Souvenir School District No. 1, Centreville, Snyder County, Pa., Oct. 4, '97 - Mar. 25, '98. Includes names of teacher and pupils.

Willow Springs School 1896-1897 Souvenir - Souvenir, School District No. 2, Willow Springs, Columbia County, Pa., 1896-1897. Includes names of teacher and pupils.

Algard's School 1912-1913 Souvenir - Algard's School, Bedminster Township, 1912-1913. Includes names of teacher and pupils. [County/State not mentioned]

Humboldt County Masonic Lodges 1924 Roster - Roster of Humboldt County Masonic Lodges 1924. Humboldt, No. 79. Arcata, No. 106. Eel River, No. 147. Ferndale, No. 193. Semper Virens, No. 552,

Y. P. S. C. E. 1889-90 Prayer-Meeting Topics - Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, First Congregational Church, Helena, Mont.

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