Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

FamilyLink is History.
Really. Not only is FamilyLink all about history, I also just received an email from FamilyLink that said so.

Facts, opinion and speculation about FamilyLink (née WorldVitalRecords) abandoning the original FamilyLink application (alias FamilyHistoryLink) in FamilyLink abandoning FamilyLink.

FamilyLink readying We're Related for GenealogyWise?

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Comment by Paul Allen on July 16, 2009 at 12:09am
Hey, two of my favorite genealogy commentators on the same page! Hi Tamura and Randy. I can't resist commenting on this blog post. I know that a lot of dedicated genealogists probably feel we have abandoned them because we haven't supported GEDCOM and our online tree experience on We're Related has not been the best. But there is a method to our madness. We have first worked on the product that would attract the most family users. This puts us in a really strong financial position. I assure you both that we are 100% committed to building the best online social family tree with full GEDCOM support. We just haven't announced when. We have been carefully recruiting top designers, engineers, and testers for some time now. You would be amazed at the "pedigree" of our team. I am confident both of you will look back in a few months on our early products and say that they were good enough to get us to the point that we could hire the best team in the world to design the best social products for families (the mass market) and for genealogists (the dedicated hobbyists and professionals). They are very distinct markets with very different needs, and we are excited about addressing both of them in turn.
Comment by Randy Seaver on July 15, 2009 at 11:42pm
I went and worked with We're Related just for the reason you stated. What a piece of useless software...slow, incomplete, senseless. How n the world did FL ever get 40 million people to enter one or more persons into it. And how many have come back since?

The WebTree setup was a lot better than We're Related. Seems like there are two distinct markets. The Genealogy Wise folks are dedicated genealogists and need/want a family tree program with a GEDCOM upload, etc. WebTree fits that bill, or soe other family tree software.

The other market is the non-genealogists, and somethingl ike Geni would work for them. We're Related is so poor compared to Geni that it's not even funny. Maybe a new social network application for fmailies will come along.


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