Genealogy Wise

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Gone But Not Forgotten – A Video Memoir

A couple of months ago, a good friend of mine’s brother passed away unexpectedly. He was in his late 30s and while he did have some medical issues, there was nothing that would have predicted a young and untimely death. Naturally his family was devastated.

A memorial was held and as is typically done, a photo slideshow was hastily put together and shown, along with poems, readings and other memorial elements our culture historically does when memorializing someone.

Not long after, my friend asked me if I would be able to put these elements into a video as a keepsake for the family. Of course I would!

She came over and along with the elements from the memorial service, we pulled some special items off her brother’s laptop; his screen saver, a little video animation about cats that he was particularly fond of, and some other bits that helped illustrate his life and personality.

We did our Legacy Multimedia magic, animating the poem, the obituary, adding photos into the piece and creating what we refer to as a Legacy video.

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