Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Helping My Family – Where I Am Right Now

I have been blogging on four years now and I often surprise myself how much I really have to say about this subject of capturing one’s story, one’s history, for posterity. It is something that I have been passionate about since I started Legacy Multimedia in 2003 after seeing just how much film and photos and other bits of our past were floating off into oblivion in garbage dumps, recycle bins, vintage shops and other places where I would continue to find entire abandoned photo albums, cast off by well meaning estate sales managers or even family members who didn’t appreciate that there may be surviving family that would want these items.

Once you create an online presence, as I have with my blog, my Facebook Fan Page and my Twitter Feed, it becomes important to continually feed it with information my followers will find useful. I tend to write about things that I think you may not know about with a goal of educating my readers and hopefully inspiring them in the process. I often mention new techniques, equipment or software that might aid you in your own pursuit of family history, biography and/or genealogy. I will point out what others are doing; fabulous websites, blogs or other writings by people on similar paths who are articulating from their passion position. Sometimes my goal is just to remind you of opportunities to focus on your family when they are gathered, such as during the Holidays or summer picnics.

And then sometimes, I just run out of things to say. Usually it’s because I am distracted by something else going on in my life. Right now I am helping my parents transition to a residence where they will have a bit more support as they continue on in their journey through their elder years. As the eldest daughter I have often stepped into the role of helping and guiding them through processes that perhaps become more difficult as we age.

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Comment by charlotte diane cooper on June 24, 2011 at 2:46pm

my name is charlotte diane cooper i am looking for the cooper side of my family on my dads side and the howards side on my mothers side of the family i am interested in your legacy multimedia thing that you are blogging about could you tell me how to get to that site  thank you



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