Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I have to admit that I don’t find the History Channel very interesting.

My husband watches it constantly and aside from something that occasionally catches my eye, I find most discussions of political, military and social history rather boring. I am horrible at remembering dates and while I can recount the presidents since I was born, prior to that, I don’t know my Adamses from my Tafts or even remotely where they fall in the historical timeline. It just doesn’t really interest me or capture my attention.

Now YOUR history, or your story, that’s a different matter. I am deeply moved and motivated by what gives a life. What dice-roll of events, personality traits and chance happenings call forth the footprint we each make on our world. How we affect our family, our community and the family of man. I consider it my purpose in life to help people tell those stories in a way that articulates who they are in the world and why they do what they do and I consider it my gift to be able to call out these stories and relate them in an artistic manner to their current and future generations.

Read the full Legacy Multimedia blog here

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Comment by Stefani Twyford on September 9, 2009 at 6:27am
Mestephil, you have a good point about their poor programming. I do watch National Geographic Channel and find that fascinating. Particularly the recent show The Human Family Tree which traces us all back to East Africa!
Comment by Stefani Twyford on August 14, 2009 at 10:39pm
Victoria, thanks for your comment. I'm not saying that I have no regard for the events and circumstances of history. What I'm sharing is that I'm more fascinated by an individual's story and how they choose paths in life based on external as well as personal happenings. Certainly social and political events uniquely shape each of our destinies. My point is that you'll find me watching A&E biographies or documentaries about people rather than shows about politics and wars.
Comment by Victoria Turner on August 2, 2009 at 12:38am
Hmmm! I must say that I find all that rather arrogant. How can anyone put their own or their family's history and doings into context if they have no idea of the historic events and social happenings around them or their family that affect/ed their decisions?


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