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Clan Aiyana

In human genetics, Haplogroup A is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.
A haplogroup is believed to have originated in Asia about 60,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup N.
A haplogroup is found throughout modern Asia. Its A1 subgroup is found in northern and central Asia, while its subgroup A2 is found in Siberia and is also one of five haplogroups found nospovos indigenous of the Americas, the others being B, C, D and X.
The mummy "Juanita" from Peru, also called the "Ice Maiden", has been shown to belong to mitochondrial haplogroup A.
In his famous book The Seven Daughters of Eve, Bryan Sykes named the originator of this mitochondrial haplogroup Aiyana.

North and South America are continents more recently colonized by modern humans. A migraçãomodelo the hypothesis that by the end of the last Ice Age (about 25,000 years ago) a small number of hunters and gatherers followed the migration patterns of large animals from northern Asia to North America across the ice bridge Bering Strait. This expansion occurred rapidly, and pushed to the warmer climates of Central and South America Due to adverse weather conditions and ice that covered most of North America, it is likely that small groups of individuals remained scattered current Alaska, then moved south in a second wave, such as climatic conditions gradually improved.
The first four letters of the alphabet are used to designate the four major Native American mtDNAhaplogrupos (A, B, C, and D), and later Asian distinguished from their counterparts by the addition of a number (A2, B2, C1 , D1). These names refer to four founding lineages that are found in almost all North, Central and South American indigenous populations. A small number of rarer strains have recently been identified, but their contribution to the overall genetic modern Native American is likely to remain minimal. However, the European conquest squeezed native American population through a genetic bottleneck, reducing Native Americans sets of genes in 1/3 to 1/25 of its size anterior.Esta dramatic change significantly reduced genetic variability, and changed forever Genomic groups of survivors. Attempts to reconstruct the genomic structures of most groups of the New World were met with various difficulties arising from this lack of variability.
Genetic analysis of Native American populations shows that coalescence available haplogroup times range from 16,000 to 22,000 years ago, according to the hypothesis ice bridge.
Affiliation Native American Haplogroup and Testing
Although an increasing number of laboratories offering DNA tests are DNA tests for Native American Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA, it is important to note that these results are not currently recognized as sufficient proof to become a registered Native American. Moreover, due to the fact that each of the four major mtDNA haplogroups found in different tribal groups in North America, Central and South America, a Native American DNA test will not provide a specific tribal affiliation.
Member famous Native American Haplogroups
The Ice Maiden "Juanita" was discovered on Peru's Mount Ampato, near Arequipa, Peru in 1995 by Johann Reinhard. "Juanita," who lived about 500 years ago, was sacrificed in a religious ceremony around the age of 14 years. Scientists have recovered the DNA of the Ice Maiden and determined that it belonged to the Native American haplogroup A2, and she was closely related to the Panamanian Ngobe Indian tribe.
Torroni A, Schurr TG, et al. Asian affinities and continental radiation of the four founding Native Americans. J. MtDNAs Human Genetics (1993)
Torroni A, Chen YS, et al. mtDNA and Y chromosome polymorphisms in four indigenous people of southern México.Am. J. Human Genetics (1994).
Bandelt HJ, Herrnstadt C., et al. Identification of Native American Founder mtDNAs Through the analysis of complete mitochondrial DNA sequences:. Some caveats Annals of Human Genetics (2003)
Forster P, Harding R, Torroni A, and Bandelt HJ Origin and evolution of Native American variation mDNA:. A reavaliaçãoAm. J. Human Genetics (1996)
Derenko MV, Grzybowski T, et al. Diversity of mitochondrial DNA lineages in South Siberia. Annals of Human Genetics (2003)
Michael Crawford. The origins of Native Americans: Evidence from Anthropological Genetics, Cambridge University Press (1998)
Clan Aiyana is one of 36 groups of mtDNA (or clans) identified so far. From August 26
2003, Oxford Ancestors searchable database lists 39 games for Aiyana.
According to Oxford Ancestors:
... the founder of one of the four major clans who colonized North America and South East Asia about 12,000 years ago. Descendants Aiyana fought extreme cold and ice as they crossed the Bering land bridge that joined what is now Alaska and Siberia, to reach the Great Plains of North America. From there, they spread to reach all parts of the continent and, within just a few thousand years, all of Central America and South America as well. However, given the data currently available, it is not possible to determine precisely where Aiyana lived or even when.
The descendants of four clans - Chochmingwu, Djigonasee, Aiyana and Ina - dominate the Native Americans. In addition, about 1% of Native Americans are found to belong to the clan of Xenia, which had its origins on the borders of Europe and Asia. The clans Chochminwu, Djigonasee and Aiyana can be found in modern inhabitants of Siberia and Alaska, but this is not the case of Ina. Their descendants are found in Central and South America, but only as far north as Vancouver Island in northwestern Pacific coast. Interestingly, this is also the same clan that is closely associated with the settlement of the Polynesian islands of Southeast Asia.
The natives of the Far East [Asia] are predominantly descendants of Djigonasee, but there is considerable representation of "Native Americans" and Aiyana Ina clans, clans and six more - Fufei, Yumi, Nene, Malaxshmi, Emiko and Gaia.
According GeneTree: Cultural History of mtDNA haplogroup A: The origin of their mtDNA haplotype goes back up to 25,000 years before present, and coincides with the initial peopling of the Americas. The peopling of the Americas occurred with the passage of nomadic Siberian hunters Northeast Asia to Alaska across the Bering Strait. Currently, mtDNA and Y chromosome evidence suggests that early migrants to the Americas originated in Lake Baikal / northern Mongolia. These nomads were great hunters extremely mobile and rapidly colonized the New World spreading from Alaska to the southern tip of Argentina, in just a few thousand years. As population density increased and became the rare big game, these hunters began to diversify their diet and fill all available ecological niches. At the time of European contact, Native Americans lived lifestyles extremely varied, with some groups, such as in Mexico, the development of complex agricultural-based societies and other groups such as the Great Basin, remaining hunter-gatherers, living in small bands furniture.

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Comment by ANTONIO FLORENTINO on July 10, 2017 at 8:20pm

Rosalba o fato de seu Mtdna ter dado resultado A2e não o torna diferente do A2, o acréscimo da letra "E" quer dizer que sofreu mutação ao longos de muitos milhares de anos atras, no entanto ele permanece em sua origem haplogroup A2 da mesma familia da mesma etnia do mesmo grupo dos povos indigenas....."Povo Maia"

Comment by Rosalba Nunez on July 10, 2017 at 2:27pm

Wow, this is super interesting. So i did 23andme, my DNA is A2e, which is rare, why ? 


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