Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

From Randy Seaver’s “Genea-Musings” is Saturday Night Genealogical Fun. Divide your father’s age by four and round off the number. Find the ancestor in your pedigree chart that has been assigned that number.

Father is 89 and still alive. Divide his age by 4 = 22.

22 on pedigree chart(Legacy 7.0) is Hugh Hillman (born sometime in 1844 in Upper Canada to John Hillman and Isabella May. Died 6 Mar. 1894 Rodney, Ontario). He was my grandfather’s uncle. Married Sarah Campbell(9 July 1851-31 March 1918) on 30 November 1870. He and Sarah Campbell had 7 children one of whom died in infancy. He was described in the “Dutton Advance” as Rodney’s sanitary inspector. He died of pneumonia.

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