Genealogy Wise

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Using The Internet to Research Your Family History

I am constantly amazed by the Internet. It’s not like it’s something new but I regularly find myself wowed when I’m able to find something so easily, when only a few years ago it may have required days of research and possibly a cross-continent trip.

Yesterday I was at the home of a client that we are helping with a large photo archiving project. On the dining room table, where all the boxes and piles of photos and documents are waiting to be organized, was a burlap cap. I asked about it. They weren’t really sure of its origin. One of their fathers had been in a concentration camp, and while they thought it was from there, the name on the side of the cap wasn’t the same name as the camp they knew he had been at.
I said, “well let’s look it up online!” So we typed in the name we could barely read on the side of this cap into Google and after some misspelling attempts, we finally got a hit. The name was of a
concentration camp that only existed for a short time before all the detainees were moved to different camps. We found a lot of information about the camp but at the end of the article, there was a link to “search names of people held at this camp.” more...Read the complete article here....

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