Genealogy Wise

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Hi all,
could anyone who had done this before - with success - share his/her experience in using Photoshop or whatever else to decipher illegible gravestones inscriptions ?

Thanks in advance,
Avraham Yehoshua Kahana

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Here is what I have done with much success. After photographing the stone, bring up the photo in Photoshop or another good graphics program (I use Paint Shop Pro). Convert to grayscale (important). Use the contrast, brightness and sharpness tools to enhance the stone's inscriptions. In Paint Shop Pro I have also had good success with apply the "Fix Digital Camera Noise" tool. If that is still not sufficient to read the inscriptions then many times inverting the colors (making a "black and white" negative) gives good results.
I've had some good results using the 'Emboss' feature in Paint.NET which is a free program, btw.
Thank you both, all I had tried so far was with , inverting colors, applying the negative filter... but I have many pictures 150 old in very very bad conditions, sometimes toppled, broken, etc.

Will try your suggestions. Thanks !



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