Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I recently downloaded my tree and merged it with my existing tree. What a job, I am still merging. I didn't see it immediately, but when I went to look up a source, all I had were the new ones I had been entering since the download.
How can I get my old resourses back?
I don't think you want me to attach my files as they contain 260,277 individuals.

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Yes, I see the check marks in the "YES" column, but how do I get the rest of them back? I searched my options screen on sources and I think I read that page 10 times... maybe more, thinking I messed something, but I don't see an option to display ony yes category or on/off switch for anything simiolar

Brian, I forgot to say thank you. You have made me feel like it's not a total disaster.
Thank you.
I'm not sure what you mean by the "YES" column. On the Master Source List under "Show Only" there are options for "tagged", "verified", "unverified", "excluded", "sourcewriter" and "basic system". If there is a check in the box beside any of those options, then you need to un-check it so that all of your sources will be displayed. To un-check, just click on it.
OK, do I feel stupid. Actually, I really do have a vision problem and on this laptop it;s much worse,
the fields are: : Tag, V, and Excl.

all my entries that are visible are checked "V", (I not y for yes )
now that I am on the same page, can youo help me
I have my sources back. Thank you.



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