Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Marilin Meghan Dunsmore posted on a blog earlier about, a mind-mapping, or creative brainstorming software online (free, of course), and it reminded me of some of the other cool tools I use for my online genealogy research. I thought this group would be a great place to talk about this subject and share! These are my current top 3 favorites:
1. - basic accounts are free. Store notes, clips, pictures, whatever online. You can work on different computers and keep the same files because its stored online. You can also download it to your computer, and keep it sync'd (updated) when you do use another computer. Definitely a great note-organizing program. And it works really, really well with...
2. Snag-It, or Jing. Snag-It is the program you pay for, and Jing is its free counterpart - both by TechSmith ( or Anyway - these programs both allow you to easily grab a screen shot - but just whatever part you want, not the whole screen (unless you want that). So you can grab just a photograph, or just a page of a book, or just a paragraph - whatever! Used in conjunction with Evernote, you can grab the pic, paste it into Evernote and paste in the URL too.
3. ShareThis! I really like my ShareThis button that downloaded from, and now sits on my toolbar. If I go to a page and want to either e-mail it to myself, or someone else, add it to my delicious bookmarks, post to Facebook or Twitter, I just click the button and tell it where to go, and it sends the page there. So easy!

Do you have any "cool tools" that you use for online research?

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One website thats also kind of a genealogy "tool" is Twitter. If you follow genealogy-minded folks, you get genealogy-types of "tweets". Some folks "tweet" websites for genealogy, and some tweet industry news, or highlights of blog postings. I've found lots of great genealogy information via Twitter.



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