Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I think it would be good if members would recommend Genealogical Researchers in Germany. For example, I would love to hire a researcher to do work for me at either the Church Archives in Cassell or in the State Archives in Marburg, both in Hessen.

In addition, I have used a researcher who did good work for me in the Church Archives in Regenberg, Bayern.

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I am looking for information on Frambaugh or Frambach in Berhern, Germany around 1800. I wonder if the same person could find anything for me?
I am looking for information on Wilhellem John Gulzon. He was born July 17, 1869 or 1870. He died January 8, 1959 in Athens, NY. He immigrated in 1892 to America; was naturalized 1918. He lived in Westchester County, NY; moved to Athens, Greene County between 1900-1910. I do not have his birthplace so it has been extremely hard to find any information on him, if at all. Do you think that a Germany researcher could find him and how much do they charge? This information came from a friend who is related to him; he's not related to me. I would appreciate a reply.
I have a name and address of an historian and a professional genealogy scientist in Germany who was recommended by the Archives in Niedersachsen

Mr. Jens Muller-Koppe
Schanzendorfer Strabe 9, D-28307 Bremen
If you know the names of the towns or provinces in Germany from where your family came, this is a very handy data base by the Association of Computer Genealogy in Germany. Once at the site of a town/province, you have the option of using English or other languages for some things. This association has transcribed many birth/marriage/death documents from many towns in Germany, and done very well. It has helped me immensely. Large site.

Since I'm Dutch speaking as well as English, I can make out much German, enough to get by. Google translations is another good alternative, which translates whole pages. I have this as an option in my Foxlingo Firefox tool bar, but Google has their own toolbar as well. Use one or the other; it helps immensely.

This site has been a treasure trove for me.
I'm looking for connections from Germany/Holland to the Huguenots, who came out of France and many settled mostly along the German/Dutch border. I've traced my maternal side (Masseling/Masselink) back to 1660 in and near Uelsen, Grafschaft Bentheim, (province of) Hannover. And there it stops. My paternal side came from the province of Overijssel in Holland. I'm pretty certain that their strong Calvinist traditions came from Huguenots out of France, very likely in the mid 1600s.. Once in Holland or Germany, they can be traced. But before then, I see nothing.

How to make the connections?
Just wondering what would be the average cost for using a researcher from Germany and what is expected from one?

I'm in New Zealand and i dont know anything about how to use a researcher etc.
My own ancestors stem from the region in & around Kassel, Hessen, Preussen (Prussia). Lynell & I have researched & extracted & digitally copied HUNDREDS of ancestral family members from numerous villages & parishes. We have a copy of the church records availability book showing what records are available for each parish. If you are interested in an expert in those records in Kassel--& most anywhere else in Germany/Prussia--I'm your man. Join my group & email & call 1-888-456-7252;



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