Looking to correspond with Canavan and McCue family members; researching John Canavan who lived in St. Louis in the 1880s and his wife Mary McCue born in MO ca 1860/61. She died 27 Oct 1892 and was a servant, at age 20 before her marriage, on Washington Avenue. She lived w/ an Irish Couple so perhaps she was an orphan. I believe our John Canavan's parents were born in Galway. Another common Irish name! I believe John & Mary were married in St. Louis by 1881 at the birth of their first child. I haven't had a chance to do serious research on their marriage record, but I can't find John's parents and don't know where he died... one of his sons was my husband's grandfather and we know pretty much about that generation, but not back to John and Mary! Anyone researching this family I'd love to share and hope you could help me!