Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Just a new guy that recently discovered genealogy and Legacy that wanted to say hello!

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Hello and Welcome!
Hello to you! You thought that you were busy, well, now you will even be busier. Have fun!! Happy reasearching!
I agree with Craig. You will be busy, but you'll love it. Legacy is the greatest!
Hi and Welcome. You were wise to choose GW and of course this Legacy group where we can share ideas. Have fun and enjoy!
Thanks, everyone.

I don't have as much time to devote to this as I would like, but it sure is interesting.

I'm looking forward to all the help I can get!
Hello Jeff!

Welcome to Legacy and to GenealogyWise! I hope that we can help you as you get up and running.

What are the family lines and geographical locations that you are researching? Did you use any other software previously? (Enquiring minds want to know...)

Welcome again,



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