Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I somehow combined my husband's family with mine and now I have all my grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. on my husband's tree. I would like to eliminate everyone from my family, except for my parents, from my husband's tree. It seemed the best way to do this was to tag all of my ancestors with tag #1, and then go and delete all the people with tag #1. I would probably have to reenter my parents information. But, it seems like when I do this and search for all the people who hae been tagged, EVERYONE shows up, even my husbnd's family! Could someone help me please?

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Hello Cindy,

It's probably me, but I'm having a hard time envisioning what you mean. So please forgive me if this doesn't answer your question:

First, when you say everyone shows up with tag #1 - could it be that you had already used tag 1 for something else? Second, if you tag all of your ancestors with tag #1, you should be able to un-tag just your parents before deleting.

I guess what I would suggest that you try:
1. backup your file
2. remove tag 1 from all records
3. backup your file
4. tag all of your ancestors on tag 1
5. remove tag 1 on your parents' records
6. delete all individuals with that tag

Does that help?
Thank you Brian, that worked. Thank you both for trying to help me. I have the Legacy 7.0 User Guide book, but it wasn't as helpful as you were!
Some little while ago there was an article on Legacy about the advantages of having your family trees combined, and I have done this - which means that I have all of my husbands lines and my own on the one data base. However, I also have separate ones for both him and me. All you have to do is make a GEDCOM for your husband's line, by selecting him (or you) and all ancestors, and you can add in your (or his) parents, too, if you wish. Then use this GEDCOM to create a new family tree. Hope this works for you.



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