Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Just thought I would put this out there, as I know many from AfriGeneas members will be attending the Summit next week in Ft. Wayne. BJ Smothers will be blogging for AfriGeneas from the conference, and many will be wearing AfriGeneas buttons. Any folks from G-Wise going to be there as well?

I will be there and I am assuming many others will as well. Perhaps some of us can gather for a photo op.


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i didn't know there was a summit . i live in bryan ohio. i don't drive so i don't think i will be there . wish i could though
Hi Angela,

Yep, I'll see ya at the Summit.... and FYI, I was asked by the committee to do the introduction of you for your Summit presentation. I accepted their request, an offer I couldn't refuse :))

Angela, Will you have buttons for sale? Four of us are coming from Buffalo. I can't wait to meet my extended family in person. See you soon & travel safely! Sonia
I think the buttons will be given away. Great to know that you are coming down from Buffalo. I will be traveling via chartered bus with the AAHGS chapter from Baltimore MD. Safe travels to you as well and I look forward to meeting you.

Green with envy.
I won't be there. :(

But I want a full report from all y'all!

"Guided by the Ancestors"
I shall be tweeting from the scene!
Hey Y'all

Here it is Wed. morning.... We're in the final stages of packing and intend to head out for Ft. Wayne about 3-4 PM this afternnon.... A 2 1/2 hour drive. Looking forward to meeting many of my GenealogyWise and AfriGeneas Buddies during the Summit and making new friends.

Let us make this first summit not only one to remember, but the first of many, many more to come.... Thanks to the planters of the seed. Hopefully something beautiful and lasting will grow from the planting of that seed.

~Art Thomas
Several Days later....

Dear Art,

Give us an accounting of 'What Went Down' at the conference!

"Guided by the Ancestors"
Dear George,

When I finally come down to earth from an exciting weekend at the IBGS my "reflections" will be added to those of Angela Y. Walton. Remember I'm of the older generation and it takes me a little longer. :)) Angela and many others that I have communicated with over the years and met at the Summit were truly a pleasure to meet in person and they are even more warm and witty "live and in living color".




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