I would write to: info@findagrave.com and ask them. They are probably the only ones that might be able to help you.
Find-A-Grave "County Keeper" for Schuylkill County, PA
Keith A. McKain
McCain-McKane-O'Kane DNA Group 1 - # Mc17936
Find A Grave
PO Box 522107
Salt Lake City, UT 84152-2107
You can also use the Find A Grave Discussion Forums to ask your question or post some corrections. Other members may know the answer to your question. Under the main Help with Find A Grave forum are the specific forums for submitting fixes, new Bios, memorial transfers, duplicate removal, negative virtual flower removal, etc. Be sure to find the first post on any of the official forums and follow the instructions listed there. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=listFaqs#42
Why do the people at Find A Grave take so long to answer emails?
We apologize for the delay in responding to your emails. Unfortunately, we are very, very slow to respond to email messages, because most of the email is answered by one person. With 25,000 people using the site a day, thousands of emails come in every week and we are almost always back logged. Tips: Many of the emails we receive have been answered in the other FAQs on this page, so please be sure to read these through. Other contributors can often answer your questions faster than we can. There's an entire thread dedicated to getting help with Find A Grave at the Find A Grave forums. The thousands of SPAM and computer virus emails we receive each day also slow down our ability to identify and answer legitimate emails. If you do need to contact us by email, try to put the main topic of your question in the "Subject:" field (for example, Subject: Cemetery address correction). Many SPAM emails use "Hi," "Hello," and "Question" in their Subject fields, so we often do bulk deletions of emails that have those words in the Subject line. Give as many specifics as possible in your message. Include links (URLs) to the memorials or web pages you are writing about, as well as names, dates, and locations. There are quite a few John Smiths in our database, so asking us to correct the birth date for John Smith doesn't give us enough information to make the correction. Again, we are sorry we take so long to respond, and we thank you for your patience! http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=listFaqs#41