Genealogy Wise

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I have been searching for over a 2 weeks for Wiltshire Parish Records prior to 1837. It seems The Wiltshire Historical Society has decided to
allow the website "Find my past" a pay per view or subscription site
to have sole possession of these records. Most other counties in England have online or at least ability to purchase their records. I have found a few sections of Wiltshire on CD but they do not cover the areas I need. Northern Wiltshire. Caste Combe, Trowbridge, Melksham and Chippenham. I would purchase the whole county if I could get the towns I am searching. It is very frustrating for me as I live in the USA and really need those records to source my information. I have a subscription to Ancestry World, which has allowed me to obtain a few extracts, but without more information
such as parents names or siblings name have not been able to make   rhyme or reason of the extracted material. LDS has given me minimal results also. I have about exhausted all my options at this point short of rejoining Find my Past which I found quite exhorbitant in price for what you receive. After having just broken thru a wall after 10 years on one side of the family it is most aggrevating to say the least. Do any of the researcher on the Wiltshire site have any suggestions?

Any help with this appreciated.

Jen from USA

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Jen - Are you aware of the fact that LDS Family History Center computers come equipped with subscriptions to FindMyPast? While physically sitting at a Family History Center computer, one has free access to 19th Century British Library Newspaper Digital Archive, FamilyHistoryLink, FindMyPast, Footnote, The Genealogist,, Godfrey Memorial Library, Heritage Quest Online, Historic Map Works Library Edition, and World Vital Records. I was informed of this fact when I started volunteering at my local FHC last week - it's not evident from the website that these services are available upon visiting. Many cities have these centers and they are open to the public at various times throughout the week. Hopefully this will provide one solution to your problem if you have one nearby and are willing to travel there.

Thanks for that information I have never been to my local research center. I am in Rhode Island we only have one and it is a distance from me Did not realize there was so much available in their centers.

Thanks for sharing that with me, gives me impetus to try it out once the weather is better.

I have contacted the Wiltshire Historical Society regarding the Parish Registers. It appears most of the areas I need are on a list of lost or destroyed registers. Now the search is even more difficult if I cannot access the lost registers my brick wall will stand I guess. Not every Barnett in Wiltshire is related I am sure. But there has to be someone who knows about this family.

I am not a quitter, so will keep at it but with all the Barnetts in Wiltshire from 1500- 1960 or later someone must be related to this family.

Wilts FHS have decided to make their transcriptions/indexes availale via FindMyPast - which, I guess, is up to them. However, this is not exclusive access to Wilts PRs - anyone can go along to their neared LDS Family History Centre and start transcribing PRs for FreeReg or as an Online Parish Clerk. Eventually the LDS transcription programme will get these records transcribed.
Nor is access to Wilts FHS transcripts only via FMP - the FHS sell printed versions and some on CD see: In fact there is a lot more available from the FHS than they have put on FMP.
Thanks for the response Phil,

Since my last posting I have become aware of what is available for purchase through FHS. I have recently purchased a set of records from two of the main areas in Wiltshire where I am searching. It has answered a few questions and obviously brought about more names to research and confirm.

Thanks for forwarding the great information, any information or reminder is always helpful.

Hello Jen, have you tried the Wiltshire and Swindon Archives? e-mail at,
They can supply parish records on microfiche, a list of records can be found on their website. They have the parish registers for the 4 towns you mention. The only problem is reading the microfiche, but your public library might be able to help you, if they have a microfiche reader. I am lucky as I read mine with a microscope, it can be a bit of a strain because they are photographs of the original document, and not always easy to read.

Hope this helps, kind regards, Nicholas Atkinson.
Thanks Nick,

I knew they had microfiche, but I was hesitant as I wasn't sure I would have a way to read them. Will check my local library to see if they have a microfiche reader. If they do, it will help and will send for them straight off.

Thanks again for the information.

Hello Jen,
also worth a look is the Wiltshire and Swindon Archive Catalogue-Wills Search. They have 30 wills listed for the name Barnett in Wiltshire. Some of the wills can be downloaded for a fee, but I think they are having problems at the moment with this service.

Kind regards, Nick Atkinson.
Thanks for the Update Meredith, I am aware but the LDS site for me is completely at the opposite end of the state. worth a trip though.

Thanks for the update.




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