Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

An Invitation for Descendants of Plantation Owners and Descendants of Slaves to Collaborate to Rediscover Lowcountry African American Heritage

Genealogical Research in the Lowcountry - Descendants of Plantation Owners and Descendants of Slaves Collaborate to Rediscover Lowcountry African American Heritage

For the past two years, descendants of the slaveholding Drayton family and descendants of families formerly enslaved on Drayton family plantations have worked side-by-side to rediscover the genealogy of African American families on Drayton family plantations. The full research results will be posted on Lowcountry Africana in the near future (we are compiling now). You may follow our blog to view research updates:

With this forum, we would like to broaden that scope to begin collaborative research between descendants of all Lowcountry slaveholding families and all Lowcountry African American families.

Did your family own plantations and hold slaves? Would you like to share documents which name the enslaved or free families who worked on your family's plantations? Please do join this research and share documents and information, photos...

Are you a descendant of enslaved or free African Americans in the Lowcountry? Please join the research effort and share your family history, photos, life experiences...

GenealogyWise gives us an enormous opportunity to use the reach of the Internet to begin a large-scale collaborative research project to rediscover family heritage in the Lowcountry! We hope you will join this research effort!

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Hello Carroll
Oh yes I would love to exchange info but I seem to have met a deadend when it come to my GF. If you have anything that would be of interest, I would love to have it. I have spent time trying to locate records re Uriah's death but have had no success;
Can we email directly as I do not check my sites frequently enuff.
Hi Gwen,
So happy that you and Carroll connected! Hope new research avenues emerge from your sharing information.

Peace and Blessings!
Hello, I live in Savannah & recently purchased 3 accounting ledgers of Thomas Lenoir'sat a local auction. They are quite detailed for he seems to have been fastidious with his money. One of them details several sales made to General Andrew Jackson & another deals with his slaves. There are also 2 smaller books that address smokehouse sales & household items that the women made. I really have no need for these books, so if any of you would like to purchase them from me, just email me at - I would feel so much better if these books were to go to people that would truly appreciate their historic significance.
Thank you so much for writing! These sound like records that will be a tremendous help to family historians. Would you consider sharing the information about the slaves before you sell the ledgers? There are several websites who are responsible stewards of slave records, including Afrigeneas, Sankofagen Wiki , A Friend of Friends, Africana Heritage Project and Lowcountry Africana.
Please do consider sharing these important records where they can be preserved and accessed for free.

Best and Blessings,
Hi Gwen, I'm the one that had the original slave books from the Lenoir farm - Uriah IS Mentioned & Romeo is mentioned ALL THE TIME! Those accounting books, say what he bought, for himself & also his numerous sons. Romeo was obviously well named. Anyway, I sold them to Martha Trantham who is the current owner of the farm (she has a web site) & then I sent a copy of the slave ledgers to the YMI in Asheville, NC. The books probably arrived there last week, so if you need any info from them, they have it all. Hope this helps. Nancy Duncan
Congratulations on setting up this discussion thread. I have recently started something similar for those descended from those who were slaves, or who were involved in the slave trade, or held slaves and who are 'Douglases'. I have been told that this is a brave step, but clearly there are others braver than I who are making great progress.

We have still some way to go, but if anyone is a Douglas, then I encourage them to look at our early offerings, and perhaps we can work together.

Yours aye,

William Douglas
Oh wow William, thank you so much for posting here and welcome! Can't wait to check out your website.

Best and Peace,
Was this the Drayton who's wife, Lady Mary Mackenzie, was the daughter of George Mackenzie, Third Earl Cromartie, of Cromarty, Scotland; who later wed Arthur Middleton of Georgia, Signer of the Declaration of Independence? I descend George's brother, Capt. Wm. Mackenzie, in 1775, H.M. Comptroller and Collector of Customs, Sunbury, Georgia; below Savannah. I've not researched the Drayton slaves; but I have researched a little on the Bellinger slaves of Tombodly and Ashepoo Baronies, South Carolina. When my Yonge Loyalist were banished from Georgia; they were allowed to take four slaves to British East Florida. The slaves might be named in England i,n the Loyalist Claims of the Hoh. Henry Yonge, Sr.? If any slaves were the sequesteted chattle of American Loyalist; they might be mentioned in their Loyalist Claims?
Hi James,
Yes, we are discussing the same family! So happy to connect with you, we haven't been able to learn much about your branch of the family and I'm delighted to learn the story of your ancestors! Would love to know more about your family. Thank you so much for writing!

What area of the country is Lowcountry located in? My ancestors, and some slaves, were born in Alabama.
Hi Cheryl,
The Lowcountry Africana website focuses on SC, GA and FL, but we would welcome your sharing records from Alabama, our Africana Heritage and Afriquest websites are national in focus. Thank you so much for writing, we would love to hear back from you!




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